Drama Club
A little about ourselves2017-18 OFFICERS
President: Elliot L Vice President: Noel B Secretary: Jerrilyne C Treasurer: DeLayna R Voting Member: Yanna K Our purpose is to promote, educate, and entertain the RCHS student body and West Sacramento community through the various forms of performing arts, as well as provide a meeting place, presentations, information, and events for all of the club's members. RCHS Drama Club is committed to providing a suitable environment for its members to meet for the purpose of learning about theater through activities, trips and productions that enhance the educational goals of the theatrical discipline. It also strives to foster an appreciation of all forms of the performing arts and to provide opportunities for artistic growth within the organization itself as well as within the community. Membership is open to all students who share the club's goal of promoting awareness of theater and performing arts on campus and in the community. |
Anime Club
artwork by: Mystique R
A little about ourselves2017-18 OFFICERS
President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Voting Member: Our purpose is to promote and educate the American public about Japanese animation (Anime) and comics (Manga), as well as provide a meeting place, presentations, information, and events for all of the club's members. RCHS Anime Club is committed to providing a suitable environment for its members to meet for the purpose of general social gathering and viewing of anime. The club will help maintain an appreciation and understanding of anime by showing anime that best represents the wide variety of anime that is available with the exception of hentai (perverse) anime since that type of anime spreads all the wrong impressions of the art form as a whole. |