Reflect on the exploration of theatre history through the series of fast-pass lectures all the way to choosing a inquiry to dive further into. Consider discussing the process of researching your question and developing an idea for an artistic response to what you found. Reveal what it was like presenting your inquiry journey to the class and ultimately how you feel about your finished artifact. What are your biggest take-aways from this experience?
3/10/2022 10:22:40 am
One of the things in theatre history that sparked my interest was the architecture in theatre history. It's amazing to see the differences between theaters now days compared to the ancient times. I kind of forgot everything while presenting since I was pretty nervous and I felt like my artifact was alright. I didn't have much stuff to work with so I just tried my best. And I kind of procrastinated a little while working on my slides so it wasn't that great.
3/10/2022 10:22:51 am
I really enjoyed the fast passes and sketchnotes, I got to utilize my creativity by drawing a person or image that related to the subject we were learning about and I think I really learned a lot about theatre over the years. Researching and developing a question sort of came naturally since we already heavily discussed a bunch of different types of theatre. Overall, presenting and creating my inquiry project was a really fun experience and I enjoyed seeing my artifact come to life through all my research.
3/10/2022 10:23:00 am
For me I would say I was pretty nervous, I felt like my presentation wasn't as good as I could have made, and I didn't like the presenting part but my favorite part was probably learning about theater history which is like the fast pass through theater history and completing the sketch notes. I felt like that part of the project, at least for me, was the most interesting to do. What I took away from this project is now I know that I should just be calm while presenting and finish it thoroughly and better whereas I don't stutter as much.
3/10/2022 10:23:37 am
I really enjoyed this project. I got to combine theatre with things I really enjoy talking about , researching, and looking at. The hardest part about it was trying to find pictures of older makeup looks. Other than that, overall the process of making my project was easy and enjoyable.
3/10/2022 10:24:19 am
I really liked listening to the fast passes but I also really liked searching stuff for my inquiry. My thoughts didn't actually change throughout the time we did this because I was really interested in existentialism play. I really liked this project.
Ginger M
3/10/2022 10:25:45 am
I thought about how some of the theatre research was actually interesting to learn about. Prehab's, Maybe not my favorite unit to learn about, but I definitely thought how Early Asian theatre and Anti Realism theatre were all something I actually really liked about Theatre history... I've learned that theatre history is something you can be passionate about, I've learned it's also actually fun to be apart of... sure some people might feel as if it's cringe, but it can be cringe but that is apart of it... I actually think it's fun more than cringe... but that could also mean you could practice on yourself... and I've learned that there are/were some historical news about the History of Theatre... would like to continue onto the third unit of the class... :)
3/10/2022 10:26:16 am
i think this project was really fun. ngl it stressed me out a bit, but i enjoyed it. i liked making the artifact itself the most. it was hard getting up there and presenting because everyone was silent but then i remembered that's how it's supposed to be so it was cool epic good fun
Penelope Cooper
3/10/2022 10:26:23 am
My biggest take away is learning more about media and theater. I learned more about fashion and how it is changed, its impact, and different people who made fashion into what it is today. I loved getting to look at clothes and different runways to inpsire me. I love the icons that i learned about, and getting to see how they worked and they different kinds of things they worked on. Fashion is so wonderful and i love everything about include the history that comes with it.
3/10/2022 10:26:46 am
I liked learning about the masks, makeup and women in theatre and how they kind of changed theatre. I didn't like how there were so many males in theatre oppressing women and women's rights in the early years of stage. I'm glad that women fought for their right to perform and they recognized something was wrong about it. Without actresses from the 1800's, we wouldn't be where we are today.
Meison Sichi
3/10/2022 10:26:47 am
I liked this project even though it did not go as planned it was still fun making a video with my friends and improving a good amount of it on the spot which I feel that can help "train" for theater.
3/10/2022 10:27:57 am
With my inquiry prompt, I honestly felt like there were so many different ways I could proceed with this project. I wanted to do one dress, but it would take too long to make, so instead I made multiple small dresses. It was honestly pretty hard, the second dress gave me the most trouble, the fabric frayed really easily, and I didn't have an actual pattern to follow. It took me almost two days just to finish that one. The other two dresses were a lot easier to do though, so its fine. During my research i actually learned a lot, mainly about the musical SIX. It was pretty fun in the end though, and it was fun to see what everyone else did for their projects.
3/10/2022 10:28:26 am
Exploring more into the early Asian theatre made me find a lot more facts about that time era a lot more. Just seeing the different kinds of Kumadori paint designs were very interesting and seeing them come from religious rituals is cool. Researching for my project was fun and actually interesting to me with how much goes into with make up and puppets' felt good about presenting about what I like from the early Asian theatre and I hopefully helped others understand it as I did aswell. My take away from this is just sharing to others about my interest in theatre and what I find interesting.
sara o
3/10/2022 10:28:41 am
In the beginning, I didn't know what I wanted to do for my inquiry project. I had multiple ideas, but I didn't know which one I wanted to continue with. In the end, I chose to make my project about costume and set design, but then I ran out of time and shortened it to only costume design. I originally wanted to make artifacts, but also ran out of time. When making my pamphlet, I knew I wouldn't have enough time to print my pamphlet and write on it in time, so I put what I thought was enough pictures. However, I didn't have enough research done to fill up the space. I should've also worked on my project more to get more done with my project.
3/10/2022 10:29:05 am
Doing this project was fun but I can say that it was a bit stressful. I think it was because I'm usually busy so I barely had time, yes I did have time in class but Idk if it's just me but working at home makes me concentrate better. However, when I finished my project I was a bit satisfied because I felt like if my presentation was something that can be seen better it would have been to my liking. Though, I did like how I was a bit more creative this time cause I drew my Zulu Woman and made it a puzzle so you can see how they looked like with their makeup on as well. Plus, I drew a woman instead of a man this time cause it's Woman's History Month soooooo ye :)
Andrea M
3/10/2022 10:29:44 am
What i liked about theatre and women's cloth is that there's different colors and each clothing has different fabric and different feelings. And one thing that upset me was that women can not be on stage or they cant show skin.
3/10/2022 10:31:06 am
with my inquiry prompt it was a but difficult looking for my research because there weren't as many results that i was looking for but it was fine because i did find a few websites that helped. Originally i was gonna go for an animation instead but i dint think i was actually going to finish it on time until my friend had an idea to combine our projects together which i was confused about at first until she explained it more to me. when i decided to do it i gave up on my first idea and decided to combine my project with her. the video actually took me around 1-2 hours to finish just to make almost a 2 minute video but i think it was the lack of motivation that made it take long.
Dylan Simpson
3/10/2022 10:31:17 am
To be honest, I did not like this project and it's not because the topic didn't interest me. I just don't like doing research where I don't know what sources to use. In this situation, I pick a website that sounds accurate and just absorb the information from there. I chose to look at music and theatre throughout time and, I'll be honest, I did learn a lot. Of course, it was a struggle to condense the information in an entertaining way, but I made it work. Presenting is always easy because all I have to do is be brave and put on a good face. It felt awkward because I didn't practice, but I'm happy with it. I should practice next time. I also tried to include a bit of example by using my ukulele and it worked. So examples enhance the experience. All in all, I think I did well.
3/10/2022 10:32:01 am
I enjoyed picking a topic and researching about it because overall I like researching things that interest me. I felt that it was a cool project but I was kind of struggling since we were gave so much freedom it was hard for me to pick a certain topic to research on. But overall I think mine and everyone's project educated me well and gave me more knowledge about theatre history.
Messina Ponce
3/10/2022 10:40:25 am
I really enjoyed this project because it allowed me to research topics I was already interested in and learn more about it. The information I discovered actually led me into changing my original inquiry question so I could talk about more things. Being able to learn more things about my personal question and others was really interesting and overall I'm happy with how it turned out. At first I felt that I didn't have enough information on my slides and that I should've had more slides but going up and presenting I realized I had enough information. My biggest takeaway overall is that theater is constantly changing and adapting , usually for the good, and that a lot has happened in between now and then to get to the point we're at today.
3/10/2022 10:44:24 am
I felt inspired by learning about the history of theatre and learning to create something of my own. allowing both sides of my brain to grow by creating a movable set model.
3/10/2022 10:45:06 am
I loved the exposer to all the new information in theater that we learned. I liked hearing everyone's thoughts about each topic. My biggest take away was enjoying the process and enjoying seeing how everyone else processed their questions.
India Veylupek
3/11/2022 12:42:25 pm
I really liked learning about all the ways masks were used in theater and at first I thought that I would do my project about that but then I decided to do it about writing a play because I think it would be fun to someday try to write a play of my own.
3/11/2022 12:58:33 pm
When we were doing the theatre history review it was a lot of information to take in. When I first started I didn't really know what to do. When I figured out what I was gonna do I did it. The hardest part was presenting not because I was shy but more because I didn't know what to say.
3/11/2022 12:59:44 pm
Theatre history was a very interesting topic, to architecture designs and the ban of women in theatre. I chose mental health and the theatre community. I'm overly obsessed with mental health and going through the depths of it. So to do this made me very happy. My project contained a lot of research from doing a survey myself to researching in on insider.
3/11/2022 12:59:53 pm
Doing the theatre fast pass was a little boring a time times but it was mostly interesting and something that I enjoyed. I enjoyed getting to learn more about theatre and the things that went on throughout the years in theatre. Doing my inquiry project was a little stressful but ultimately fun to do and research. I was a little nervous about presenting but it ended up not being too bad so that's good.
Isaiah Grigsby
3/11/2022 01:01:16 pm
It definitely was an interesting experience to see how theatre has shaped our world. I saw a lot of different things and saw a lot of comparisons to how wee see theatre compared to how others do. Seeing a lot of theatre also helped me with finding my my research for my inquiry project. Seeing the modernization of theatre inspired me to base my project on this movement. The advances of technology are truly amazing.
3/11/2022 01:02:21 pm
Doing the theater fast pass was fun. I enjoyed the sketch notes even thought i redid them multiple times, i was fun to add a creative detail to notes. I was really interested in the masks which helped me decide what i was gonna do for my project. My end results weren't as good as i wanted it to be... but im still proud of the masks i made. My biggest take away from this was how much theatre from different cultures affected and influenced theatre in the later years.
3/11/2022 01:02:29 pm
I really liked this project and hearing other peoples, it really showed me what theatre was like back then. It wasn't too hard presenting, and overall really fun.
3/11/2022 01:02:53 pm
When I started going thought history from the fast pass all was very interesting to me but African ritual hit me in a way I never felt before. When I was finding a artifact for the project I remembered that they used mask so I ask my aunt that was a native American and some of the mask would have horse hair or other stuff.
3/11/2022 01:03:32 pm
The journey of the fast-pass through theatre history was interesting. There were times when it felt a little boring (such as the start of theatre), but there were also times when it felt very intriguing (such as modern day theatre and Shakespearean). Over I enjoyed these fast passes. It was difficult at first to find a specific inquiry question that I wanted to dive into because I was so interested in many different aspects of theatre, but I've always wanted to discover the fashion/costume aspect. I struggled finding a way to interpret the research that I found, but was overall satisfied with the outcome of my slide presentation. It was fun researching something that I grew passionate about and it made me respect costume designers that much more.
3/11/2022 01:03:47 pm
At first I did not know what do for my inquiry project. I struggled a lot deciding what topic my project should be on. I liked researching famous actresses throughout history. I learned a lot of facts I didn't know about women in theatre. Overall this project was okay. I struggled with what I wanted to do at first but I figured it out along the way.
3/11/2022 01:04:25 pm
The way that I came up with my inquiry was that I got really curious as to why so many different societies didn't allow women around or on a stage. The research process was quite annoying because basically all the links I clicked on and all the websites I visited had basically the same information which made me really frustrated that I couldn't find more. Presenting wasn't too bad as I had just presented for BFFS the day before, and I feel pretty proud about how fast I was able to finish my artifact. My biggest take-away is that doing projects for school isn't as hard as I thought it would be, and that I need to manage my time better because I didn't use my free time in class to work on other school assignments.
Iden Teangh
3/11/2022 01:05:56 pm
Doing this project has made me learn many things about the world of theatre. During the fast passes, I was quite intrigued with all of the different kinds of theatre there are in the world. Although, the one that I was most interested about was Elizabethan theatre. It was the theatre I was most familiar with and knew the most about.
3/11/2022 01:06:46 pm
I was super interested in all of everything that we learned through the fast pass, I felt like it was a nicer way to learn theater history. I liked that I got a quick glimpse into how theater was like for BIPOC, it's cool that it wasn't just white theater history that we learned about. The inquiry project was really stressful because I feel like I didn't get enough time to prepare it and give full detail. It was fun to share my haiku, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
3/11/2022 01:07:11 pm
At first I was think about doing a project based on the evolution of anti realism but during my research I didn't really find and good information, so I looked back on what I had and puppetry caught my eye. I had already spent a while on Anti realism so I knew a puppet would be kind of easy to make. After I made my puppet I made my presentation about puppetry evolution. This was along process but after preforming I felt good about what I had created.
Skylar Cooks
3/11/2022 01:07:35 pm
During my project i knew that i wanted to learn more about mask because it was something that tied all types of theatre together, it was just about how i was going to make it, but first i had to do research, once i learned the basic i decided to make it out of cardboard and glue. My speech as some of the facts i had learned. I believe i did a good job it was short because i know that mask don't peak everyone's interest.
3/11/2022 01:09:23 pm
The process of creating my midterm was a but stressful because of the artifact, but the research process was very interesting and fun. I love theatre, journalism, and activism therefore I wanted to make my project about issues that need to be addressed in the theatre world. The artifact was very time consuming. Since I made three of my own Playbills, I went from researching Playbill templates and I even registered with Playbill in order to make it, but I ended up just using Google Docs. I was a bit nervous about presenting for I put too much information, and while presenting I felt that I was worried about summarizing my informatipo0n that I skipped some crucial information. Overall, I am very proud of my topic, presentation, and mainly my Playbill for they were unique and pretty. My biggest takeaway is learning all of the new information of all the different jobs, views, and aspect of theatre, all contribute to the theatre that we see and l9ove today.
3/11/2022 01:09:49 pm
I loved taking notes and learning about the history but I found it hard to interpret and produce my own art based off of what I learned. I felt uninspired by most topics and I found that they were a lot harder to research than I thought. I settled on drama because of how interested I was in the production. I feel like my artifact could've been better but felt like finding reliable sources was harder than I thought. My main takeaway is that I need to explore my options by doing more research before deciding on a topic.
Lily R
3/11/2022 01:09:58 pm
There were some key moments from the fast pass through theatre history that I liked learning about and that I found interesting. I loved making art and sketches of the costumes, that was really fun. And I knew my question when I drew the outfits of the performers and I knew I wanted to learn more. I felt confident presenting the project since I enjoyed making it.
sienna v
3/11/2022 01:11:13 pm
Throughout this journey I have learned alot, realism, womens roles in history, theatre masks, costumes and more. I have realloy enjoyed being in theatre and learning everything especially the midterm project because the standards were easy to meet. This project aloud me to have freedom and use creativity. Although I am not really a creative person this class has helped me be in touch with my creative side. This assignment was nice because it caused such little stress, and watching everyone present was fun and entertaining.
3/11/2022 01:13:22 pm
When I began this project it was important to me to focus in on something I was passionate about, something that would allow me to create and evolve. I came across 'Realism' while, ironically, initially taking an interest in 'Anti-Realism'. I think I was so drawn to 'Anti-Realism' originally because it is on the opposite side of the spectrum I usually drawn to. I lean towards authenticity and truth. I want to indulge in something I connect to. I love when a project forces me to reflect and view life from a new perspective, but never have I thought to consider this under the light of theatre. I wanted to know more. I created a project embedded with film elements, but still touching on the history of theatre. How these ideals came to be on stage, what influenced playwrights to create, what was once considered, unconventional stories. What does authenticity and reality do for an audience? How does this impact the way we create today? Art does not always have to be complex, it's meant to ours and for us. Take and learn. It was important for me to express this idea during my presentation. I found that a lot of my classmates related to what I had to give.
3/11/2022 01:13:41 pm
I really enjoyed researching and learning the history of theater and it's clothing. My favorite part about it was the making of theater costumes I didn't think that there was a lot of steps to it but there was and I enjoyed reading and watching the steps.
Eden Perkins
3/11/2022 01:19:24 pm
From all of the fast pass lectures we had about theatre history it was all very interesting to listen and even watch when we did videos. I was mostly intrigued from the African American theatre and the Elizabethan era and decided to honor Black History month and Women History month. So I decided to do my project on the progress and successes of Black women in theatre. I didn't really know what to do for my artifact at first but then I saw paintings and canvas and decided to do a painting. I did a silhouette of different shades of Black women on my canvas. After presenting I feel like I did a pretty good job but I could have been a little bit more prepared. But what I can take away from this experience is that I could manage my time a little better. It was fun though but I am excited to start the acting unit.
3/11/2022 01:26:33 pm
I really liked how all of us the the same or different presentation. We chose different statements in theater like clothes, dancing, the candle accented etc. it was really amazing how we had different slides as well. I did Dancing or theater dancing for mine because i love to dance and mostly theater dancing had a lot of common stuff for the dancing we do now. theater dancing is mostly focused on hip hop or lyrical depending on what scenes they use.. When i figured that i wanted to do a dance project i wanted to focused on what i loved to do an took it to theater dancing as well.
3/23/2022 04:07:30 pm
During this project, I had an amount of stress and an unnaturally hard time, for me at least. I am normally very good at coming up with creative problems, but for some reason I had a very big problem this time. Until it came to me in a dream very close to the due date, I had essentially no idea what i was doing. This project definitely wasn't my favorite, but I didn't end up hating it like I thought I might, so that's fun.
3/9/2023 09:56:33 am
making the artifact, I had a lot of fun. A lot of thought and careful work went into the researching and crafting, but while presenting (i have extreme anxiety) I forgot most of my research, other than the color meanings. This unit was very interesting to me, and I would like to dive deeper into the concepts and different stories and aspects of theatre :)
3/9/2023 09:57:53 am
In unit 2 we learned about the different theatre experiences and how theatre changed over time. My main focus became about African traditions and how the females had to wear lip plates that stretches their lip all the way out. I liked learning about the mask because I learned that this has always been a part of Africa tradition and it is so beautiful how they are keeping this tradition alive.
manizha Sediq
3/9/2023 09:58:23 am
I really liked how all of us the the same or different presentation. We chose different statements in theater like clothes, dancing, the candle accented etc. it was really amazing how we had different slides as well .During this project, I had an amount of stress and an unnaturally hard time, for me at least. I am normally very good at coming up with creative problems, but for some reason I had a very big problem this time
3/9/2023 09:58:47 am
This unit was a lot of fun and the midterm was fun because once I found out I could make a mask and present it would be fun and creative this whole class was a lot of un overall
3/9/2023 09:58:54 am
I loved unit 2. I loved being able to pick what our midterm was going to be and being able to learn about the history of theatre
Ethan Collins
3/9/2023 09:59:00 am
During this project, I did not talk about theatre history. Instead, I talked about what theatre is all about... Telling stories, and how stories are so appealing to people. It's an interesting concept, which required no research or knowledge to answer this question. It is simply human nature to enjoy and tell stories. Without stories, we would all be extinct. We would probably go mad, due to us being so used to them. Everything has a story to tell. Songs, books, nature, etc. And they all revert back to the root of why we are so interested by stories. So, in reality, I did not talk about theatre history at all. But at the same time, I talked about all of theatre history by going back to it's earliest roots.
Savanna Renno
3/9/2023 09:59:05 am
Throughout this project, I learned a lot about theatre history. My presentation could have been better but I got sick and wasn't able to wok on it. However, I think I did better than I thought I was going to do and I really enjoyed this.
Alyssa L.
3/9/2023 09:59:14 am
During this project I learned a lot of cool stuff during the fast pass. for the project it self, I learned about how a woman made a box set and that Mr. Hanks doesn't like Grease. Making the artifact wasn't to challenging thankfully, overall it fun and good stuff to learn.
Michelle Rodriguez
3/9/2023 10:00:05 am
When I began this project I was unsure of what I wanted my inquiry project to be about. When I first started my project I had a whole other idea and then I was sort of opened to a new idea which was about the actors in Shakespeare plays. I learned a lot about the things many actors had to go through and do. I think that the fast pass notes definitely helped me become more opened minded about theatre history.
Amanda Perez
3/9/2023 10:00:48 am
I really liked the fast pass on how we could just write down what we thought was important. I loved learning the history of different kinds of theater like Greek, Shakespeare. I loved how we learned the earliest kinds of theater to the latest theater. out of all the topics we covered I didn't know what to talk about, but I chose Greek and Roman theater since I've always loved theater. Again I didn't know what topic I should talk about so I did an overview of how it started. I didn't know what kind of artifact I should make but I just went with slides. Presenting and creating my slideshow went overall well since I just went with the overall idea of Greek/Roman theater.
Amarion Temple
3/9/2023 10:01:06 am
This whole unite was fun we learned how to open up our creative mind and make what we see in it. Another thing is that we learned how to use the internet to find resources. Also we learned about different theater history and how they got to this theater we are at today.
3/9/2023 12:55:28 pm
Larissa Garcia
3/9/2023 10:01:13 am
Going through the fast pass of theatre history was pretty cool. I did notice a lot of the time woman were kept from the theatre which is kind of weird because in the early 200's theatre was a "girl thing ".I did find out that after WW2 theatre was pretty ,much rewritten and rethought about in everyway and those affects still stay with us to this day. In my opinion my slides were ok I think i did ok, maybe i could have practice a little more. I Need to reread everything before a presentation and not just the things i did the day before.
america aceves
3/9/2023 10:01:33 am
I really enjoyed learning about theater history. Before I wasn't that keen on theater, I honestly thought it was for nerds, but being in this class I really learned about everything at its just so interesting. When we came to the renaissance theater the stock characters really caught my eye, their names and their costumes were really interesting. When I was researching I saw one character pop up a lot, that being pantalone. I did my artifact on him and he turned out kinda derpy but I love him. The biggest take away's were probably gathering info, since this was like wayyy back I couldn't find a ton of what I really wanted to see. I also did not enjoy presenting, I don't like talking in front of large crowds but I manage. When I was p[resenting I was holding back shivers because usually when I get really nervous my teeth start to chatter and I start shivering like a lot, so I tried to manage that. And I think I did good, but overall this project was really fun!!
3/9/2023 10:02:58 am
My African mask I like it but I should talk little longer and I should talk little more about it.
Roanld Yarbrough
3/9/2023 10:03:07 am
My biggest takeaway from this is all the information. Like how the English wore fancy clothes. My favorite thing to hear is about the african people mask.
Thu Mai
3/9/2023 10:04:02 am
I was first started to Shakespeare but all the information that I've found weren't interesting enough so I switched to Japanese Theater and one of them was Kabuki, this time it gotten a lot more interesting, I enjoyed researching about it but then I weren't able to get all the notes during my presentation so I forgot some of the detail that I wanted to talk about and I'm really sad about it. I made two masks because the first one was a kitsune mask which doesn't really express the kabuki theater all that much so I made another one that is called "red kumadori".
Justice Spencer
3/9/2023 10:04:10 am
The whole unit was fun and enjoyable. We learned about new cultures in theatre and how they used plays back then. It gives us experience on theatre history.
Alexis S.
3/9/2023 10:04:44 am
I thought that everything was very interesting and I learned so much new information. I just would look up different aspects of the ancient Greek masks and put it all together. I wasn't really nervous but I also wasn't excited it was just something I had to do and I thought that the mask I made was pretty good. I thought that this was a good experience to help me know what I should do for my next presentations and I think that I should have studied more.
Jackson Kimble
3/9/2023 10:06:35 am
My biggest takeaway from this was learning a little more about the italian renaissance theatre. It wasn't stressful for me and i thought i did pretty good on the presentation itself.
Benjamin Schwartz
3/9/2023 10:10:45 am
when I picked my question I was hoping to learn more about my ability and how common it is in theater but when I started, there wasn't much information about what I was looking for so that wasn't great for what I was trying to learn for the project and for myself, but I was happy to turn it around into improve explaining the lack of information I found and the frustrations with it so I think I made the most of it pretty well with the script, well the lack of one, and the artifact, and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, well I guess both, though I do think its pretty funny regardless that both the yes and I got had the same complaint for the and part of there not being enough information, so I guess I successfully failed, past on the frustrations a little too well or something.
3/9/2023 10:12:27 am
Through theatre history, the idea of centuries of information worth of relating to theatre was kind of intimidating. But once we started, it was very interesting and easy to follow along. Once I came back from a week gone and saw that we had a project due. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. History of costuming and how those designs effect their performance. This was overall a very interesting unit and came with a lot of creative ideas!
3/9/2023 10:18:36 am
What I liked about this project was all the interesting things that people made and how informative it was. The research was also interesting because you could get a lot of information on the topic you were curious about. Actually presenting was a little bit of a challenge however. Being in front of everyone with information that might not even be true is a little nerve wracking. I didn't like the time crunch either. I don't usually like being rushed and I'm pretty sure I don't do that well under pressure. My big take away from this project is rush in the beginning rather than the end.
3/9/2023 12:48:49 pm
The history was interesting but sometimes it was hard to find information on specific stuff. I was nervous when I went up to present and I feel okay about my finished project.
Alexander T
3/9/2023 12:48:56 pm
When researching musicals that have showed and portrayed mental health in a non-stereotypical light, it was nice to know that there were many. It was nice presenting and showing my findings to show the audience how it is in theatre.
3/9/2023 12:49:23 pm
i liked how everyone had there own thing to talk about and made it interesting
Kurt Mann
3/9/2023 12:49:29 pm
I enjoyed picking my Inquiry Project. I enjoyed the Fast Pass notes. Overall, I enjoyed everything we've done so far in this class and I am looking forward to the Acting unit that is coming up.
3/9/2023 12:50:25 pm
what i liked about this is that i liked learning the history and i just like history in general. i liked learning about the sets and the way they moved through the theater. and i liked looking at the modal of the Paris opera house
3/9/2023 12:50:46 pm
When I was researching about playwriting, i thought it would be the certain type of thing i wanted to know more about theatre, I felt a little nervous to present what i had created, writing about famous playwrights would be very interesting for me to learn
Iysha Lakhan
3/9/2023 12:52:49 pm
I liked doing research for my midterm presentation because I had a very strong opinion already on it and to show others why this important meant a lot to me and I liked how everyone agreed I was not as nervous as I was with my monologue but I was still nervous but I am starting to get getting at being up front. I also really enjoyed learning about how theater came to be and I started to like getting into the habit of sketches while taking notes.
Antonio c
3/9/2023 12:53:10 pm
What i liked about this term was learning mostly about the types of theatres. I liked seeing how they evolved over time and improved. I also liked learning about the types of costumes and masks.
3/9/2023 12:54:20 pm
This Unit 2 was a little bit fun because during my fast pass, I learned about my culture of Africa and other cultures as well. So I thought it went well but it did not because I starting being nervous and I couldn't control anxious at times but I think i push thought it. Well, I was thinking if I pass 2D design maybe I can do a art artifact as my fishing project. My Biggest take- away was one of my classmate's presentation (It was really funny)
Jake Y.
3/9/2023 12:54:26 pm
What I really like about the project was how people turn what they learned into something presentable for someone else who wants to learn. The whole research process was a pain in the butt because turning my research into something presentable was hard. I had some trouble understanding what an artifact was but, I figured it out I suppose. Presenting was probably one of the most nerve racking things I've done yet. That whole time of waiting for my name to get called was scary as hell, heart beating fast, and hands shaking. Once I finally got up there, I got my word out, but at what cost? I really don't do well under pressure so yeah. My biggest take away from this project is just go for it, it's not going to last you your lifetime.
3/9/2023 12:54:54 pm
I was kind of nervous to present my midterm slides but I volunteered so that I could just get it over with. I feel like I didn't put much effort into my artifact but I still liked how it turned out cause it showed examples of my topic. My biggest take away was that I have to try to memorize what I'm going to say instead of stuttering.
3/9/2023 12:55:23 pm
I have really enjoyed the fast pass lectures because it was something where we could take what we were interested in and it was a mixture of a little bit of everything. I liked how we could pick a topic and delve into that for our inquiry. We were given a lot of information we could look at with our fast pass and make something out of it. One thing I didn't enjoy was how little time we had to work on our project. I was absent one day and I felt like I was very behind. I ended up having to do most of my artifact at home because we only had a couple days. I've never been very interested in theater history, but I am very glad I learned about because I found this unit very interested. The actual presentation part wasn't so bad. It felt very relaxed next to other presentations I have to do. My biggest takeaway is to just be calm and work at your own pace and make it your best work.
Wali Basharmal
3/9/2023 12:55:58 pm
Unit two of this class was a history class, I expected it and I accept it. History is important to me and that is what we do at school. The theatre history has a wide range. I liked that we have split it up in country regions and not time. If we did with time, it would have teched us by comparing each country in the same time with each other which is not the most important thing and it might lose the red line. The Mr. Hanks did was almost perfect, dividing the countries and tell the whole time line of the country. The European countries had in my opinion the best theatre history and have been replaced with USA as number one now.
Jasmine Z
3/9/2023 12:56:17 pm
I really enjoyed looking for information and learning more about theatre even though i know it isn't for me. I also like learning more about the costumes and masks.
3/9/2023 12:59:21 pm
I learned a lot in this fast pass through theatre history. My inquiry question was what were some of the biggest theater fires in history and how have they changed modern theater spaces today. I chose this topic because I have been interested in the architecture of these theaters. I found a lot of design flaws in the fires I researched. My artifact was a diorama of the inside of the Iroquois theater that burned down in Chicago in 1903. The architect of this building cut many many corners in his design however I wont go in to all of that. Presenting in front of the class was a bit nerve-wracking but I did also enjoy it, I thought it was fun. It was helpful to have a physical artifact in my hands because a lot of times when I present I don't know what to do with them. Overall, I'm proud of my artifact and I think I did a good job presenting.
Alex Th.
3/9/2023 12:59:38 pm
While learning about centuries of history, the way that women were treated really stood out to me. In almost every single culture, women were not allowed to be onstage, and they weren't able to help backstage either. Even when women had the right to be onstage, they eventually lost it due to men taking over. When the Artifact Midterm was given to us, I knew immediately that I was going to focus on Women's Rights, but I didn't know what phrases I should look up to find the information I was looking for. Most of the sources were biased, as many people in the world think women should stay in the kitchen. I wish I had spent more time working on my artifact, but it wasn't the worst thing I've ever made. The strict timeline made it hard for me to complete an artifact that I fully liked. My biggest takeaway is to get better at public speaking so that I don't get as nervous.
Mary Huefner
3/9/2023 01:01:13 pm
I really enjoyed learning about so many years of theatre history and getting to pick what I found most interesting. I was very interested in women's fight in theatre and how it changed, but I didn't want to got through all of history, so I chose to focus on Japanese theatre. Researching my question was slightly difficult because, there wasn't a whole ton of information to go off of. The woman who created the art form, did not have much information recorded her life. I also learned that the women in Kabuki theatre would be prostitutes to make more money because theatre didn't pay much. I decided to write a poem and to paint a picture as my artifact. I wrote about the life of the actresses and what happened to Kabuki after women were banned. Presenting to the class was fine, I dint have much stage fright. It was a little nerve racking but overall the experience was good. One take-away is is that history has many good point and terrible points, but overall it had gotten better and more inclusive.
3/9/2023 01:01:42 pm
Going into theatre history I knew nothing. I thought that there couldn't possibly be much to learn. the thought that theatre was just something that some people tend to enjoy. I realized that there is so much more to it. 2,000 years more. theatre reperesented culture, passion, revolution, and even real world events. when i was taking notes I started thinking about what I would make my presentation about, and to make it as easy on me as possible I was going to find something that theatre had I in common in different eras. then I started to look at the costumes and masks used in theatre around the world. this got attention. And as we were learning I found myself wanting to learn more about the repersentation of these masks and costumes and how it differed from others. I also thought about how culture changed this. And then my question presented it's self, "How did different cultures and eras repersent themselves through costumes and masks?" overall I truly enjoyed creating my artifact and learning about theatre history.
3/9/2023 01:03:14 pm
I really enjoyed this unit, we got to look into the history of theater and how it came to be, all the hardships that came along with it or that effected theater. For me it wasn't challenging to find what I wanted to research, since it spiked my interest the second you went over it. I was very nervous while presenting since I didn't practice much for it but I think I did okay. I did like how I did my artifact for it also cause I tried to go for a Shakespeare feel since it was a play by Shakespeare that was preformed during the riot.
Rose A.
3/9/2023 01:04:40 pm
Typically I don't enjoy sitting down for long periods of time and taking notes but with Mr. Hanks' commentary the note taking was much more enjoyable. As for the Inquiry Project it was difficult to find a topic to focus on as I was constantly changing my subject. Being able to watch my peers present their projects was very entertaining. There were many diverse topics and presentation styles that made everyone's displays amusing.
aisha r
3/9/2023 01:07:18 pm
I have really enjoyed this term liked how much l learned about theater and how much theater is in are lives and i liked how i know what the history behind it is . it was interesting how different theater was from different coulters to different realigns. and the project/presenting was not that bad liked how i went up and faced my fears and talk in front of people i also could of done better on my poster
emiliana gomez
3/9/2023 01:13:00 pm
what i liked about this priogect was i had to do alot of research and stuf which u enjoyed because i liekd finding facts about stuff. presenting was a little scary though beacuse i wasnt really prepared
Liz S.
3/20/2023 10:31:43 pm
I liked that this project was kinda based on us and our lives/Stories. The reaserching and discovering really helped me look and open my eyes to new things about my project and everything. Presenting was a little scary considering how visual my piece was, but in the end it was quite fun to see people reactions.
5/2/2023 09:25:48 am
this unit was fun. it helped the whole class communicate with each other and open up are thoughts. Presenting was scary because I'm not really used to talking in front of people, but once i got the hang out if, it wasn't so scary after all.
anthony Johnson
3/21/2024 10:08:15 am
ya it was a fun experience but I ain't doing theater again, i ain't meant for it.
MarJai King Johnson
3/21/2024 10:11:20 am
It was a very interesting unit for me. It helped me better understand the background of theatre and why did they start doing it. To succeed you need to put your fullest into it to pass it.
MarJai King Johnson #2
3/21/2024 10:35:58 am
I felt like learning about the pass history of theatre was interesting and how theatre developed through out the years. I had to go to many sources like a bunch of websites to take pieces of the sources out. I felt nervous presenting my inquiry to the class and after I did it I felt good about it. My biggest take away is having sympathy for the people who didn't get to be in the play.
Azrai Holmes
3/21/2024 10:11:58 am
just trying to work hard, just being honest
ariya s.
3/21/2024 10:12:16 am
The process was fun and it was cool to research and find out new things about theater that i didn't know of before.
3/21/2024 10:20:08 am
i knew i wanted to do japan theatre and then i chose to do japan makeup becuase it was intresting to me. the process was fun and i learned more about japan theatre and maeup. making my artifact was fun and hard to make
Cassie W.
3/21/2024 10:21:39 am
My biggest take-away from this experience was probably that it's much easier to be less nervous when you're presenting with someone else. I kind of feel like I didn't do enough with my artifact, since I only did a slide deck, but I think the slide deck itself turned out looking really nice. My inquiry question was originally going to be about both color and gender throughout history, not just on Broadway, but in the end Connor and I just focused on African-American actors and their impact within Broadway.
3/21/2024 10:22:16 am
I enjoyed this project. loved learning about Theatre history and what its like. It was fun doing my projects and stuff. I was a little nervous but at the same time kind of happy because i wanted to present my slides that i made
Hadisa Sherbaz
3/21/2024 10:22:23 am
I really enjoyed learning this unit about theater history it was really interesting to me. So I was a little nervous about making inquiry project for midterm but when I search about my inquiry project it was really interesting I learn a lot of things, but I'm proud of myself I did it great.
3/21/2024 10:23:13 am
Through unit 2 i had a lot of un with the fast pas thought theatre history i learned a lot of things but the one thing i wish is that it maybe would go a bit slower and more spaced put and given more time/info with all of the things that was given to us. my favorite thing i learned/ did was watching other present and what they learned for them to inspire me and some presentations i got more connected with and more info than others but all some what gave me some intel on what other thought was interesting and how i am different in my thoughts and feelings.
Drake Nielsen
3/21/2024 10:23:34 am
Looking back, I really did enjoy the fast pass through the history. Although I missed some of it I feel that the information we covered was important. For me when I was choosing an inquiry question I decided which topic I wanted to further learn about. I chose to learn more about Broadway, once I finished my project I felt that I had a better understanding of all that goes into that world. I felt totally comfortable p[resenting my project and artifact to the class. I myself actually enjoyed the process of making my physical artifact ( a mask) more than researching or making a slide show. My biggest take-away from doing this midterm is that its not so simple as black and white, there is a balance to "this" thing.
3/21/2024 10:23:40 am
i like how the mask are made and i learned some theater history LeBron is the goat.
3/21/2024 10:23:46 am
the research I found during the researching period was very interesting. the knowledge was very well showed and done. then making the project was a fun but annoying thing to do. then presenting was easy and simple. then overall it was a fun experience.
Semetei andrsh
3/21/2024 10:23:58 am
I loved how we took a lot of notes on theater history. And it really helped me because it gave me a whole new perspective on drama and theatre
Kate Lisenby
3/21/2024 10:24:31 am
The fast pass lectures for very informative and detailed. They gave so much useful information for us to begin our inquiry projects. Choosing my inquiry was not difficult because of this and I was able to make my project with adequate time, resources, and materials. When researching my project I wanted to have connections to art, history, and the masks themselves. Presenting was scary in theory, but I had prepared the night before by reviewing my slides and rehearsing the information. The end product of my project was not as I envisioned but it still worked well in the end. My biggest take always are to keep up in class, if you mess up it's ok its your project, and to present with more confidence because everyone else is scared too.
Ian Catlett
3/21/2024 10:25:48 am
I liked the theatre fast pass because it gave me a good base to jump off of for my inquiry project. I thought the process, of finding sources was alright, tho the doc where I needed to put my sources wasn't thelpfult because it just made me put in resources that I didn't really use that much, because I just wanted to get it over with so that I could really focus on the research. I thought presenting was fun, I didnt know what I was doing and the screen kept not changing slide which was awkward, but the class was respectful and I think I did alright. My biggest take away is that this class is probibaly going to be easy.
Lesly Prado
3/21/2024 10:26:00 am
Fast pass was interesting and I enjoyed learning about the costumes and makeup in theatre history which inspired me to choose and inquiry question and I wanted to do Mexico since I have had experiences and I have seen in person. I was going to do something Aztec related and I was struggling a bit since I have never personally seen or done anything Aztec. Presenting my inquire question was really scary and I was shaking the whole time I started to feel nervous I like how my finished artifact turned out I just wish I had more stuff to work with than what I had. My biggest take away is making my artifact.
3/21/2024 10:26:06 am
I really enjoyed making the greek mask and learning more about why the greek masks were used and how they were used. It was kind of diffuclt to make the mask because there was so much detail in the inspiration but overall the proccess was really fun to do
3/21/2024 10:26:40 am
I'm glad i chose the Native Americans because I got to learn more things about the Native American's and i really enjoyed making my presentation even though it maybe wasn't the best but i learned new things from other peoples presentations
3/21/2024 10:26:45 am
i really enjoyed learning about different theatre history thought the series of fast pass lectures, it was very interesting.
Anastasia Chandler
3/21/2024 10:27:17 am
The fast pass through theatre history felt very informational and enlightening, however it was extremely fast, which makes sense. I had a couple things that caught my interest the moment I wrote them down, and through further research, I chose the thing that relates most to my current interests. I started researching Dada because I found the whole "reaction to WWI" thing intriguing, and noticed that it was sort of similar in terms of props, themes, and costumes to Cirque du Soleil. I will take any opportunity to fangirl about the Cirque, so I made a super long presentation about the two topics (with a lot more Cirque than Dada, but that's besides the point). I felt good presenting to the class about my inquiry, I started off a little nervous, but people were being courteous and respectful, so I loosened up and just tried to be as professional as possible whilst trying not to seem stiff or pretentious. I feel really good about my finished artifact, people seemed to like it and I put a lot of work into the slides. My biggest takeaway was that as long as you talk about something you're passionate about, confidence will come to you, and your passion will connect with the audience too.
3/21/2024 10:27:42 am
It was a cool experience learning about different types of theater backgrounds.
3/21/2024 10:27:49 am
The fast pass through theatre history was really interesting and I feel like I learned a lot from it. Researching for my presentation was even better cause I got to do something I greatly enjoy. which is learning about new things I'm interested in. presenting was pretty easy but before the presentation I was really stressing about my presentation. I was doing it so much I could barely focus on the other presentations. my biggest take away are the things I learned from my own research and others research.
Mily Alvarado
3/21/2024 10:27:58 am
During the fast pass through history I was very intrigued in all the time periods and how theater in one way or another was always there. When we started researching I had fun figuring out what it was that I wanted to research. I realized that most of my notes where just on the architecture of and sets of every time period. I was super intrigued in the Restoration time period and that's what I went for. Once I started doing research I realized how overwhelming all the information I was gathering was. I had lots of fun learning how the minds of all the great architects work. I'd say my biggest take away was how interesting and challenging it was to dig so deep into time. I realized that the art of theater has and always will be amaizing
Leala Moreau
3/21/2024 10:29:17 am
Throughout the Fast Pass through History, I was thinking about what era of history interested me the most. I finally settled on Indigenous Theatre, as I am part Native American and I wanted to learn more about my background in theatre. However, when I was researching my topic, it happened to be that Indigenous people were not well represented in media. I took the chance to research as to why Native Americans were not well perceived in media, especially in the motion picture industry. This allowed me to shed light upon the incompetence of the industry when it comes to people of color in media.
3/21/2024 10:30:01 am
I enjoyed the fast-pass lectures and taking notes and being able to take the notes in any I wanted to. Being able to freely choose any topic for the midterm was also great. It was fun and kind of easy to present the information because I was confident in the information I had and I knew my performance would be judged less than the quality of information. I think I liked doing it. It was pretty fun. I think my biggest takeaway is that I'm much more confident than I thought I was.
Bethany de Young
3/21/2024 10:41:35 am
Reflect on the exploration of theatre history through the series of fast-pass lectures all the way to choosing a inquiry to dive further into. Consider discussing the process of researching your question and developing an idea for an artistic response to what you found. Reveal what it was like presenting your inquiry journey to the class and ultimately how you feel about your finished artifact. What are your biggest take-aways from this experience?
10/19/2024 03:25:59 pm
I felt terrible about my project since I didn't really work on anything other than the puppet, and so I basically missed the entire point of the project.. I feel ok about my puppet.. It's something but I dont think anything I did was good enough. Sorry
10/19/2024 03:26:19 pm
I think it was fun learning about how important theater is and how long its history is.
10/19/2024 03:26:35 pm
The project wasn't that hard, it just took me a while to think up of ideas. It wasn't that hard presenting it since I'm used to presenting work a lot. I feel good about atleast finishing a bit of the presentation.
10/19/2024 03:26:48 pm
It was kind of scary going up to present in front of the whole class but I was happy with my presentation. I think I could have done a little bit better on the slides and speaking to the whole class but I think I did pretty good. My biggest takeaway is I do not like presenting.
10/19/2024 03:27:02 pm
I enjoyed writing down the notes and learning about the different ways cultures and country's would think about theatre and i also liked seeing people present there inquiry project and seeing all kinds of creative ways people did theirs and I didn't really like mine since it was short compared to other peoples prestation but overall the whole thing was really fun and I enjoyed it.
10/19/2024 03:27:20 pm
My refection for the Inquiry project has a lot of mixed feelings. I enjoyed the idea and seeing all the things people made and researched. But it made me stress a lot because I was nervous and I didn't know what to do and I didn't have a lot of time after school. Then on top of all of this I ended up hating my project and re doing the whole thing last minute. So I liked seeing what people did but I was stressing a lot with mine.
10/19/2024 03:27:35 pm
The fast passes through history were interesting because they taught me more about things I didn't know about theater. Making my project was fun and interesting because I researched more and learned new things. Presenting was a scary thought but it wasn't so bad. I feel good about my finished artifact.
10/19/2024 03:27:56 pm
I think I mostly wanted to do that actor, I really like him because hes nostalgic to me, because we would watch him every time we would travel and watching him reminds me of the time we went to this place or that place. but overall he is a famous person even tho if hes dead he still memorial person. that's why did my presentation about him, he has great shows and more.
10/19/2024 03:28:10 pm
I found this project very interesting. though, I didn't get much done at first, I still feel glad I did something with it. my research on Musical Theater is not much that was written on the slide, yet I know a decent amount of musical theater history on my own. I do look forward to trying to get a better grade on my presentation by redoing my slideshow and coming more prepared than I was on Wednesday.
10/19/2024 03:28:26 pm
I feel like doing the research with the inquiry project and the actual presenting part was not bad at all, I was obviously a little nervous before but overall it was not bad. I just feel like the fast pass was very long and could've been shorter but I did learn a lot of new things.
10/19/2024 03:28:40 pm
When I started exploring theatre history, I did not know what I wanted to do for my inquiry project. But, as exploring theatre history ended, I wondered how to create a good plot for a story, so, that's what my inquiry project was about. I felt nervous about presenting my inquiry journey to the class, but I feel good about my finished artifact. My biggest take-away from this experience was as I was presenting this, I started to know that how to create a good plot for a story was something that I most likely already knew how to do.
10/19/2024 03:29:02 pm
Finding more information about the fast pass was pretty interesting because i found out information that i didnt know. My biggest take away was that i got to talk about this experience.
10/19/2024 03:29:19 pm
I feel like the presentation wasn't bad to do I wasn't up there for a long time but even if my my presentation was longer I don't think I would have mind it it think its just nerve racking before you go up there but once your up there actually doing it doesn't matter. The fast pass notes were probably the easiest things to do though I love writing stuff sometimes only because I have really good hand writing and I can write a lot when I need to. i feel like I did really good on the notes and I'm proud on how many notes I wrote id di get a little sloppy at the end but its okay.
10/19/2024 03:29:37 pm
I didn't know much about theatre history and now I learned lots of new things. I also learned a ton of new words in English. I'm really happy because I was able to present my slides in front of the class in English and I think that it is a very big goal. In my opinion this class helped me to improve my English more than others. I really appreciate all the work with the slide and also the quote project.
10/19/2024 03:29:56 pm
I feel like it's been good but a lot to do what making a outfit for the project and forgetting it an make it all over again but the biggies take away was when my dress come out falling apart but i fix it and it work
10/19/2024 03:30:13 pm
What I took away from fast pass through theatre history is that theatre has it's up and downs in the 2000 years! I kind of really appreciated that we talked about Indian theatre because I never see country represented unless somebody just wanted to be racist. So it felt nice to talk about it and no one could say anything because Mr. Hanks was there, haha. I think the researching for the question part was a bit more harder than Unit 1 because it's more we had to focus on one subject which is theatre and with Uni1 1, we had the freedom to write about what we want. Revealing my project to the class was a little bit hard because I though nobody would get were I'm coming from but talking was pretty easy for me. I felt like my project could have been totally better but I think I did alright as I had barely any fabric to work with and couldn't buy anything so I had to use my clothes at home. I think my biggest take-away was to get theatre to where is it now, it was a long agonizing experience. i honestly think sometimes it went backwards? Like it was taken so seriously back then and now people don't appreciate the arts. I just hope people can understand the work and the beauty that goes into plays.
10/19/2024 03:30:27 pm
Exploring the fast pass series was not only fun but also helpful for the inquiry project. When coming up with my question for my inquiry project it was hard at first because there's so many topics you can talk about when it comes to theater and film. I didn't get my question until maybe a week before we had to present and that was a tad bit stressful but I still was able to get my work done for my Project on time. How I came about my question was when we learned about Chinese theater for our fast-pass notes I noticed that a lot of the plays from Asia are authentic and that some plays that are turned into films in America are 50% or more misrepresent the Asian culture so That's how I came about my question. When presenting It was scary at first but eventually I got over and If I could do it again I would just speak up more and project my voice. My biggest take-away from this experience is that it's ok to be scared to talk IN front of people because most of the time other people are scared too.
10/19/2024 03:30:39 pm
it all started when we did the fast pass, and although i loved ancient greek, but when we moved onto early modern movements, i was mesmorized by the anti realizm section. so i ultemitly decided to make my presentation that had sevearly unrealistic proportions. at first i was basicly heading in a vauge direction of the "not real" segment; but slowly i realized that cartoons are a perfect reasurch question. i wanted to know how did we go from paper to digital, how did we make animation smooth before a computer was dven a thing, or why do we have such a need to make things come to life. in the end it sorta came to me; how did animation develop and in turn helped progress theature? it was good. i never expected to go thru so much rabbit holes and loop de loops. it genuinly a plesure to reasurch and do my google slides. i am a visual learner, so making slides was a perfect way to organize a timeline of the events as well as the compleate jungle i call my brain. the initial plan was to make a phenkistoscope and slides, but i was running out if time for the circular gif, so i just made the slides as my artifact. i felt really acomplished and proud of my work. sure i could have done a few things differently, but overall it was good.
10/19/2024 03:30:54 pm
I liked how creative I got to be for this project. Coming up with what to make as an artifact was difficult and finding ways to make it was also challenging. But it gave me more insight to costume making and the parts of a gown in that time period. presenting wasnt difficult, i talked about my research. I like my artifact, it could be better but it wasnt awful so im fine with it.
10/19/2024 03:31:06 pm
The Fast-Pass through theatre history was a very unique and intriguing unit. Although the little amount of time to learn so much was a bit overwhelming, I really enjoyed that we got to experiment with sketch-notes. As someone who struggles to pay attention, being able to do my own thing with notes had me locked in for the lessons. The project itself was very cool. I liked that we got to kind of just do our own thing, with a very vague prompt. Even though I never fully finished my artifact, the research and brainstorming steps I did were very fun and helped me learn a lot on something I was interested in.
10/19/2024 03:31:17 pm
At the beginning I didn't know anything about theater history, but I Mr. Hanks taught me everything I know and everything I could have ever needed in order to make an inquiry project. The first thing that caught my interest was early Indian theater, it felt fun, colorful, and interesting. I started taking notes and knew right away I wanted to do my project on that. I researched and found extra facts on stages which made me know what my inquiry was going to be. I built my project and spent lots of time planning how I would make it and what I would need. I was nervous about presenting because I didn't really know what to talk about other then what I made, I presented in from to the class and everyone acted nice and like they liked what I made, they payed close attention and were respectful.
10/19/2024 03:31:31 pm
what made me ask my inquiry question was while we learned about theatre over 2 thousands years I didn't hear much about women or people of color and the only times women and people of color were mentioned was when they were being banned from theatre (restoration era) or there creations being taken over by others (Kabuki, etc.) or how people of color weren't in theatre until the 1920's or 1930's.
10/19/2024 03:31:42 pm
Taking time to learn 2000 years of theatre history was informative, fun, and I enjoyed it for the most part. I got to make a mask for my project and got to see what everyone else made for theirs. Ultimately, I feel really good about my finished project. I got the grade I wanted and put my full effort into making it. I enjoyed the yes, and comments after the presentations. My biggest take aways from this experience are that I had a fun time creating my project and I also liked watching everyone else present their projects. I got to learn things within theatre history that I didn't know before, that I now think are really cool.
10/19/2024 03:31:57 pm
When I was researching my question I found a lot of articles showing how they are alike rather than when they mixed so I changed my question to something that fit. Presenting my inquiry wasn't as scary as it was the first time because I've already presented in front of these people before. My artifact wasn't really what I imagined in my head but I still used it because I didn't wanna make another one. My biggest takeaway from this experience was you have to work with what you have I think.
10/19/2024 03:33:02 pm
I was very interested throughout the lessons on theatre history. I had thought that I would like Greek theatre the most, but I really enjoyed antirealism. It was cool having a bunch of information thrown at me at once, as it made it easier to digest and find similarities between them with the knowledge fresh in my mind. I chose my project because I've seen a lot of musicals and I find them interesting. I sidetracked a little with costumes, as I found those even more interesting, but I didn't want to change my topic and never find the answer to my inquiry question. Also, I created a big sheet of information only to discard it. My artifact was originally going to be a brochure, but I decided that a drawing would be better. It was interesting presenting it to the class. I had only written my cue cards the night before, and even then they just told me to improvise. I think it went rather well. I didn't like my artifact as I was drawing it, but after I finished and took a step back I was rather pleased. My biggest take-aways are that I shouldn't stress too much on how good everything looks, and that all over the world, people everywhere love theatre.
10/19/2024 03:33:16 pm
The exploration of theatre history through fast-pass lectures was a different and fun way to learn. I wasn't forced to focus on one subject for a week instead it was different types of theatre every day. I liked getting to pick my inquiry because i got to focus on something I was actually interested in. I researched a lot on my topic and I found everything very interesting and useful for my project. I found that using pictures and facts that i had researched to explain my inquiry. I was scared about presenting but I think it went pretty good and I feel really good about y finished project. My biggest take-aways from this project were that there are so many different types of theatre and ways to express yourself.
10/19/2024 03:33:31 pm
I think I did good on my presentation but I feel like I could've looked into the audience a little more and made my presentation a bit more thorough overall what I learned from this is to take your time with thing's and to do them a little bit more thorough. Comments are closed.
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