10/30/2017 03:56:44 pm
This was fun, the costumes were amazing. I was a part of the prop team, and it was fun to work with the other prop people. My part as a fairy was pretty lit as well. I like to act and I hope I can keep doing it.
10/30/2017 03:57:09 pm
I wasn't sure about how I felt about Drama at first, but this first play was an absolute blast to put together. It was amazing seeing everyone performing in costume and having fun with each other. I didn't realize how much work was going to be put into the play, and I didn't really have high hopes. But when I saw the set and the costumes, my mind was completely changed. Seeing the effort put into set designs and costumes and lighting simply blew me away. Now I know what to expect in future plays to come, and any doubts I had about Drama were wiped away by this play.
Jerrilyne Cottrell
10/30/2017 04:01:28 pm
I joined the class late so I wasn't in the play. But I was still allowed to act and it made me so happy to be able to act with a new group and I am so happy to be in this group for my last year.,
10/30/2017 04:02:12 pm
Being apart of Sleeping Beauty was really fun, especially being a fairy queen. That is one role I would have never expected to take on. It worked out really nicely in the end, even if getting my costume on and off was really difficult. So far I'm liking this class. Can't wait for more :)
10/30/2017 04:04:59 pm
I enjoyed being in sleeping beauty and in drama class because it helped me be more out going and i get to try different roles and take on the characters.
10/30/2017 04:06:29 pm
Never will be the same as the trojan war... but these are a bunch of weird and Kool Kids who can call me a friend
Jose Luis
10/30/2017 04:08:32 pm
This was my first play I did for theater 2 for this year (2017-2018)) and I had a blast. In the beginning I was nervous because I never been in a play before but after the first day I felt a relief. I never really thought of acting as a career but i reconsidered after my first play. I had an awesome time with the cast and crew, meet new people and made new experiences. 10/30/2017 04:09:00 pm
This was our first performance of the year and I had a blast. Memorizing the lines were fairly easy for myself. I got to meet and collaborate with the last year Drama Club students and those who were in Drama Class last year, we all created a bond with them. We had a couple of new people enter the class, but this class has become a really great family that I am thankful to have. Over all the performances had gone really well. Even though that some may have messed up lines and skip scenes, we were able to work around them and have a great performance. Something that was difficult for me was to keep a straight face with a really close friend of mind. In the play we were getting into each others faces and we tend to have laughter. I'm proud of the way our opening night of Sleeping Beauty went because, in my opinion, that was one of the best performances we had given. When we had final rehearsals, the cast weren't as prepared as we had liked it and always messed around, but we all pulled through for opening night. Love working around the people who worked on the show!!!!!!!
10/30/2017 04:11:48 pm
This was my first ever play and it was such an eye opening experience. Everyone's commitment was amazing and impressive. In the end, the play came out great and everyone's acting was spot on. I can't wait for more experiences like this.
10/30/2017 04:11:55 pm
Howdy im the King and i was like howdy im the king, but to be honest getting through it was tough like there's definitely some clashing personalities makes the process way more difficult than it needs to be. Either way i did it and played the king.
Eliott Lucero
10/30/2017 04:18:22 pm
Putting together costumes for the show was a great experience, I got to work with everyone and it gave us time to get to know each other more as well as work on things for the show. I also enjoyed playing the shows antagonist, Barbel, playing the roll of the opposite gender opened my eyes to the diversity of acting as well as added another element of humor to the show.
10/30/2017 04:23:16 pm
Sleeping Beauty was such a cool production to work on. I got to listen to all 2 1/2 hours of Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty and choose where I thought the music should go throughout the show. I was really happy that most of what I picked got used. I also starred as one of the fairies. It was really fun prancing around as an elegant mythical creature.
Yanna Khripunov
10/30/2017 04:26:03 pm
Sleeping Beauty was our first show of the year! We kicked off our season by performing a silly version of sleeping beauty. The first thing we did was get cast for the show. After we got our parts we got right to work, rehearsing the lines and staging. Everyone got assigned to be in charge of something, set design, choreography, costumes, music, lights and so much more. Although each group had their own responsibilities everyone pitched in and helped other groups. Getting ready for the show was a lot of work, but it was loads of fun. Staying after hours and setting up lights, painting, building the set and finding costumes. Everyone put so much effort into preparing and it really did pay off. Although it was our very first show of the year we had an awesome turnout. We sold out!! This really made everyone in the cast feel excited and encouraged. We are super thankful to anyone who came out and supported us. We hope to see you at our future shows!
10/30/2017 04:40:57 pm
I enjoyed performing the role of The Prince in Sleeping Beauty. I was struggling with remembering all my lines but but the time the shows came I memorized both monologues and lines. Unlike some of my co actresses *cough *cough delayna. But I improvised and saved the show with her missing her line.
Noah Galvan
10/30/2017 04:43:27 pm
So this was my first time preforming. This show was broken into two parts Act 1 being monologues/duos and Act 2 was Sleeping Beauty. I was in both acts, in the first act I played as a maniac that trapped himself inside a church after being bitten in a zombie apocalypse scenario. It was a duo with one of my friends Oscar, honestly he is an extremely good actor so being able to do just a duo scene with his was really fun. Since this was my first performance actually in front of a live audience. I felt I wasn't as good as everyone else but I was able to remember all my lines, I did write the duo with Oscar. I didn't realize how loud I could actually yell. Now after I did my duo scene Oscar, Delayna (my dead body on stage with me) and I would have to run back to the choir room to change and get ready for Act 2. In act two Isaac was the 1st lord and I was the 2nd lord. So every night he would do my hair for the second act. Since we were lords, we both had a lady. His lady was Kylie and my lady was Sariah. Pretending to be a couple was fun also we had to dance. Evan was a jester and so I brought in my jester outfit. Other than that my favorite part of this production was actually the part when we were dancing on stage while the two ladies banter and then a sudden light change happens and Isaac and I get scared. I just had an amazing time working with everyone. I just want to say i'm thankful for being able to be apart of this production. Comments are closed.
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