Reflect on the process of developing a short film from brainstorming, to screenplay writing, to shooting & editing.
What was more fun to create... the story, the scenes, the montage, something else? Why? If you struggled with a part of the creative process, what was it and how did you overcome it? How do you feel about your learning over this 4 week journey creating Montage Mania?
Bella Ross
11/13/2020 08:56:10 am
This video, for me was all about time management, my weakness. I did not manage my time as well as I should have. As for how my video turned out over all, it was alright. Definitely not my best work, but then again I am still learning. It was, however, fun to write, film, and edit.
11/10/2022 12:47:51 pm
The editing part was fun.
Keylaan Edwards
11/13/2020 09:01:34 am
I really enjoyed creating the screenplay for my montage mania because I got to experiment with a real script. The most difficult thing for me was creating the montage and getting the right angles to make sure it looked good. Overall I feel pretty good about the work I've done over the last four weeks.
Gage Johnson
11/13/2020 09:01:59 am
This project for me was definitely more difficult than the ones we have done in class in the past. I noticed with this project that time management was extremely important. This project took much longer than expected, and I could have definitely managed my time more sufficiently.
Braden Tyler Parke
11/13/2020 09:04:03 am
My favorite part of the project was editing. What I struggled with doing in the project is creating different shots because of the time of day but overcome it by spending more than 1 day filming. Learning over these 4 weeks has been perfect for me.
Shaker Amin
11/13/2020 09:04:42 am
The project was very fun overall. It was amusing learning about the 180 degree rule because when I watched films before, I never noticed that something like this was going on. I had fun working on the project but I had trouble with time management. My project turned out to be pretty good and I liked it.
11/19/2020 08:02:01 am
It was honestly so much fun creating it and I enjoyed it very much. Even though it took quite a while, that is what made it so enjoying and rewarding to see the end result. I feel like it made me so much more creative and opened my eyes to things I never noticed before. For example, it taught me how to position the cameras to make it look better which made me creative because it made me think out of the box and come up with alternatives that made the video better.
Hannah Amundsen
11/13/2020 09:04:54 am
My biggest problem was that I did not due well with my time management. My favorite part of doing this project was being able to write the screenplay which was fun, once I got an idea into my head. The video was a little harder to film because I had to voice over the character's and try to use stock footage for the montage. Overall the video was good, but it could have been better.
11/13/2020 09:05:11 am
Overall, creating "Montage Mania" was an enjoyable experience for me. I had the most fun writing my screenplay because I really had a chance to be creative and to create a whole new imaginary world. I know I could've done better on the video itself, though. I wish I had put more thought into the settings to make filming easier to accomplish at home.
Dylan Simpson
11/13/2020 09:05:38 am
I had a great time editing more than I did acting. Though my acting was great. Right? Well it doesn't matter. If I had better equipment I would have had a better product but what happened, happened. I had a good Wednesday.
David Butayev
11/13/2020 09:09:52 am
I had a lot of worry about this project, and felt really anxious about the screen play and all that jazz, but once it came down to grabbing a camera and editing the video I had a lot of fun. Especially with the voice overs, that's my favorite part of mine.
Reylina Curtis
11/13/2020 09:18:30 am
Overall, this project was hard for me in like maybe more of a production way. I feel like it isnt my best work, but I think I still got the story across. I still enjoyed writing the screen play and it was so fun to write. I didnt truly realize it has been 4 weeks, but I am glad we got more time because I was scared to turn in late. Overall, still fun :)
Jazmine Solorzano
11/13/2020 09:20:25 am
This project has been the most difficult project we done, in my opinion . Time management was more of an issue this time around but learning about the different types of montages was really interesting.
Danny Alvarez
11/13/2020 09:25:46 am
The fun part was when I did the recording because me and my brother were messing up a lot and it was funny.
sydney ormond
11/13/2020 09:38:57 am
I had a-lot of fun filming my project because i did it with my sister and had a lot of fun during the funny parts. Though editing was very hard, it took a-lot longer then I anticipated. Also the time management portion of making a project was very difficult, with work, other classes, family, and college stuff it's been hard finding time to complete the project. Though I just woke up extra early to film all the shots with my sister which helped a lot, and stayed up late editing. Overall it was a very fun lesson in film and I had a great time making my film :)
Jason Yu
11/13/2020 12:36:49 pm
I do think that this project was a difficult one for me to do because both I didn't plan it out properly and I myself still wasn't confident in making a montage video so the video that I made ended up not looking as I wanted to look as I did. Still it was fun to try yo get it done with 3 of my friends who decided to help me.
11/13/2020 12:45:35 pm
i just had no idea what to do so i kind of gave of up and i didnt do the video
Jason Bat Ireedui
11/13/2020 12:48:27 pm
its is mostly fun because of the timing and the ability to show the scene more
ameer meeri
11/5/2021 12:08:25 pm
Riley Stevens
11/13/2020 12:51:34 pm
I wish I had spent just a little bit more time on my project. I feel it suffered a bit because I didn't spend as much time as I should have on it. I also feel that my montage didn't flow naturally despite it changing at regular intervals.
Brendon Harris-Williams
11/13/2020 12:51:53 pm
I think that the part that was the most fun was drawing the frames for the project was the best part.
Justin De Castro
11/13/2020 12:55:43 pm
I had a lot of fun with this project because of how much editing we had to do. It was fun to find different audio clips or stock videos and piece them together and play it back. One thing that I regretted was how late I started the project. I encountered many problems throughout production, and if I had started earlier, I would solve those problems quicker and spend more time on making my video better. If the deadline wasn't extended, I would have had to rush my project.
Logan Lance
11/13/2020 01:02:30 pm
The process of the project was good i had fun making the montage. It was hard to find stock footage for specific scenes in the script. I learned about continuity editing so i tried to do that and keep the 180 rule. 11/13/2020 01:09:11 pm
I had a lot of fun making my video even though I had to change a lot of my screenplay due to a missing actor. I really struggled figuring out how to make it work but I watched an example video Mr. Hanks put on Google Classroom and was inspired to get creative. I was thinking of giving up but I'm glad I didn't. I felt good learning about montages, continunity, 180 degree rule, etc during these past few weeks. The story and montage of my video was fun to create because due to a missing actor I was able to get more creative with the screenplay.
Valerie Acosta
11/13/2020 01:10:05 pm
so when I was making wevideo The most difficult part was making my idea make sense on video.
Emma Perdue
11/13/2020 01:10:35 pm
I really enjoyed editing the videos and watching all the pieces come together. My biggest issue was time management and finding new ways to film things. Overall I learned a lot from the recent project and I am happy that I did it.
Angelica Telelyuev
11/13/2020 01:19:13 pm
I really liked this project because I got to channel my creativity and thoughts into it. I had a lot of ideas for the shots and I really liked working on it. The hardest part for me was the acting because I would keep laughing or getting distracted. I learned a lot more about the different shots and angles and overall it was a good experience. The editing went well too and I took a shot at superimposition too.
David Tarasyuk
11/13/2020 01:19:16 pm
I really liked this project it was something new and fun to do, but it was kind of hard to find stock footage for some of the clips i needed, and i could not record.
Emmanuel Nosov
11/13/2020 01:19:30 pm
I was planning to use a game as a montage but it was too hard to do. So then I figured that we can use stock footage so it was pretty easy. It gave lots of new ideas but a struggle was that I couldn't get exactly what I wanted to get from the stock footage.
Liam Cochrane
11/13/2020 01:21:33 pm
I have not filmed it yet, but the planning and brainstorming and script writing was all fun. I enjoyed writing the story the most because I have been planning it for months, but had nowhere to put it. Overall I had the most struggle writing the script because I am an improve guy, and structured scripts are hard to write. Overall I learned quite a lot from these four weeks which is pog.
Robert Velazquez
11/13/2020 01:22:34 pm
I feel like creating the screenplay was the most fun part because it was interesting trying to come up with ideas of what characters there are and what they are going to say. I struggled with the montage part the most and I overcame it by looking into more what a montage is.I feel like I am getting even better with filming and editing over these 4 weeks. Overall it was fun but also challenging to accomplish my video.
11/13/2020 01:32:22 pm
I think the screen play was fun and I enjoy making the video it was fun
Katelyn Lisenby
11/13/2020 01:47:04 pm
My favorite thing I did for this project was filming. I got many fun moments shared and I don't think i could have done my video with stock footage. I did struggle with the editing process because of timing I had in between shots.
Jessica Kapelkin
11/13/2020 02:02:42 pm
This project in the beginning seemed a little intimidating at first. As I completed the pre-production leading up to actually filming the video it got to be more fun as I kept getting deeper invested into this project. Overall, I think this was the hardest project yet, but was pretty enjoyable along the way.
Monserrat Jimenez Lopez
11/13/2020 02:02:49 pm
I really liked this project because I was able to channel my creativity and thoughts into it. I had a lot of ideas for the shots I wanted to do as I was planning but it didn't turn out the way I wanted but I had a lot of fun getting it thank you Ms Hanks :)
Eli Eberbach
11/13/2020 02:05:59 pm
his really gave me a look into the history of film and how montages and editing styles came to be came to be, it allowed me to change how I view editing and add a bit of flare to future projects, good stuff!
Mariam a
11/13/2020 02:07:05 pm
I think I had the most fun I had with this project was filming and coming up with the idea of what to make. I also liked exploring what type of montages I could do.
Sienna S
11/13/2020 02:09:51 pm
I haven't finished my video completely yet but I really like to see the process I make from it and the new ideas I can use in future work. Using stock footage also helped me a lot during the making of my video.
Miguel Beaven
11/13/2020 02:10:52 pm
I liked creating the screen play because you get to create what happens in the story and what the characters do and were the story begins and ends.I struggled in the screen play because you can do and choose anything that happens in your film so i had to pick what happens and there is a lot to choose from.I over came it by just not over thinking it and going with the flow.I felt good abut learning how to make and create a film from scratch so over all i like the process of creating films.
Payton Penkal
11/13/2020 02:12:36 pm
Overall, I enjoyed this project. My favorite part of this was creating my montage. The hardest part was the brainstorming, at first this project made me worried because it seemed difficult but in the end it wasn't too bad.
Lexi Chavez
11/13/2020 02:16:47 pm
I really enjoyed this project. I have always loved montage but was never really good at it , but I learned some good tips and tricks to help me in the future. My biggest problem with all of my projects is always my time management. The thing I loved most was the screenplay because I love making scripts.
11/13/2020 02:18:55 pm
This was probably the most fun project i have ever done in this class , Overall filming and editing was so exciting . I actually was Filming and editing till 2 hrs before the due date so it was kind of a race for me I guess.
Isabella Backus
11/13/2020 02:20:00 pm
I liked to create the screenplay even though it was hard to start. I felt like it was an actual film instead of a just a students wevideo. I also got to use stock footage to see a variety of meanings when moved in a different order, which I thought was interesting. I also liked learning about the history of film with the people who discovered continuity editing and stuff.
Biancka Rivera
11/13/2020 02:26:49 pm
It was fun creating my film and I liked drawing the characters for it. I also liked the screenplay even though it was kinda difficult at first I got the hang of it towards the end.
Ava Johnson
11/13/2020 02:31:32 pm
This was a fun project to film just because it is basically my everyday with my brother and we both just laughed. I think that with project I kind of struggled with getting ideas out and so it made it a little harder on me, so next time will work harder on the preproduction. Overall think I learned a lot and I think a struggled pulling things apart and knowing the difference between everything.
11/13/2020 02:33:39 pm
This is the only project in this class I can say I didn't really like because I have to draw the scenes and I can't draw. And not only can I not draw but I have to find a way to make angles on the paper.
Morgan Ekasala
11/13/2020 02:35:36 pm
This unit was really fun and I feel like I learned a lot. I had a bit of difficulty coming up with a story for my screen play but had a lot of fun with the montage. I am not 100% happy with my video but I did my best. Using superimposition in my montage was a lot of fun and I will definitely us it again.
Isabella Thao
11/13/2020 02:35:52 pm
Since I'm learning more about different shots Its more fun to experiment my editing and recording when I'm making my videos. My montage mania video was pretty fun to make because I experimented more and just had fun with the video all together.
Joselin Cabrera
11/13/2020 05:07:02 pm
I loved doing the screenplay because i got to choose what happened next. I loved everything about it, making up the characters names, i would've liked to make up their backstory but i wanted to keep it short, and i liked describing their face expressions, actions, and the setting. The only thing that i struggled with at first was the the formatting but once i learned how to do it i was okay.
taylor castaneda
11/13/2020 08:01:19 pm
This project was definitely one of the harder ones to me, I'm not completely done with it yet, but I like coming up with new ideas during the making of it and seeing how the end result comes out to be. Stock footage has definitely helped a lot with created videos.
Daniel Kolesnikov
11/13/2020 10:55:29 pm
Im not fully done with the project but im slowly chipping away at it. I am struggling with recording the and making the shots work. I enjoy finding stock footage and editing everything together.
Lilly Adzhiev
11/14/2020 09:03:46 pm
This was a pretty easy project. It wasnt hard to film and wsant hard to edit either. I think a hard part was to memorie and remeber what the rules ans style of editing where.
Joaquin Castillo
11/16/2020 01:14:03 pm
it was kinda hard but the process was cool
Deont'a Morris
11/16/2020 04:53:19 pm
I haven't done the assignment yet because I been busy in a lot of other classes and I haven't had anytime to do this assignment
Dominic Siddons
11/17/2020 09:04:13 am
I enjoyed typing my script up and how enjoyable that was although I have strong wifi issues that really mess up things for me
Lucy garcia
11/17/2020 02:18:32 pm
Well I have not finished yet I have been unmotivated but that’s ok! I’m working on it and it will be really good in the end. I think the hardest part will be to edit it because I’m filming on my phone and we have to edit I we video.
Isaiah Pina
11/17/2020 02:26:18 pm
I think the hardest part was trying to make it make sense. But the project was interesting
Michael Luchesi
11/17/2020 03:30:37 pm
It took me a bit to finally get working on it and when I did it was fun to do even though its quite short.
Gabriel Gallardo
11/20/2020 12:22:21 pm
It was fun to make but it took more time putting everything in order and putting everything right on time with the music.
Jorge Rodriguez
12/16/2020 10:24:51 pm
I think the hardest part was the story itself and make sure it sounded sense.
Jorge Rodriguez
12/16/2020 10:36:02 pm
The most fun part was filming, it just felt cool for no reason. I felt about my learning well, I liked to do the project as it opened up my mind and creativity
Iliya Stavitskiy
11/5/2021 08:39:39 am
I think that the hardest part about making this video was brainstorming an idea. Other than that it was fun to make the video and edit it.
Ysabella Rodriguez
11/5/2021 08:40:44 am
I enjoyed most of this unit. A part I struggled on was the difference between contuity editing and montage but I eventually understood it. I was really good at coming up for ideas for 5the montage part.
marco alejo
11/5/2021 08:41:12 am
I felt good about making my video. It didn't really go as planned but it was still cool making it. The most fun part was playing basketball in the video. The most hard part was tryna think what else to had to it or what to edit out.
Kimberly Patlan
11/5/2021 08:42:17 am
When creating my montage mania video, it was fun thinking of all the different scenes, and dialogue lines. It wasn't
Teo McCall
11/5/2021 08:42:23 am
Well I had to change my script which was frustrating but other than that it was fun to make. I got help from my family with filming so that was appreciated.
dustyn mccall
11/5/2021 08:42:45 am
personally coming up with an idea for the project was the hardest part. while filming i realized how bad my script actually was. overall it was a fun project.
11/5/2021 08:43:01 am
i thought it was pretty fun and hilarious i participated in a couple other peoples videos and they were hilarious overall the project wasnt quite time consuming but was worth it had a lot of fun
Michelle Rodriguez
11/5/2021 08:44:00 am
I think that this project has been one of the hardest to do ,but it was very fun to be a voice actor for my own little film. I think that next time I need tp find actors who have a little more time to film it with me .Instead of just waiting. It's very fun to learn more and more about editing. Also this class has made me have more questions on the film industry .Now when I watch a movie I think "oh they used these types of shots and these camera angles and it's very cool!
brodie nolasco
11/5/2021 08:44:44 am
I did enjoy the unit even though I was behind on basically all of it. I also had to come up with the lines and script as we were doing it. But it all ended up going well.
Reagan Lorentzen
11/5/2021 08:44:51 am
Filming was the most fun part because everyone was throwing out improvisational ideas and everything just flowed smoothly, and it almost felt empowering.
Natalie Wetzel
11/5/2021 08:44:56 am
My favorite thing to do was either writing the script or editing the montages. It was fun creating different short stories and helping them come to life. Editing has always been fun for me, especially montages, so this was a fun project to film. However, I do wish I could've filmed the story myself with actors, but the scheduling never worked out. Over these four weeks I learned that I really love learning about film and the different aspects of it and that it might be something I will want to do in the future.
Drake Nielsen
11/5/2021 08:45:14 am
I had a good amount of fun in every aspect of the film and also enjoyed getting to direct my friends. The part that I had the most fun was with being the Director in all of its glory. I wouldn't say that there was a part I didn't enjoy but if I had to say the part I struggled with the most was the editing and trying to layer every sound to the way I envisioned it. I really loved this project and the freedom that came along with it and had fun getting to get a glimpse of what being a director is like.
sam butler
11/5/2021 08:45:51 am
I think filming the scenes was most fun. Filming the montage is not as fun as editing it. I liked putting the clips together to create a different kind of sequence. It also made me realize how powerful editing is to create what you want. I think writing the screenplay was most difficult. I didn't know what to write because I didn't know how it would look in real life. I overcame this by first imagining what I want each shot to look like then writing it down. I think I learned a lot about screenplay writing and film history.
Venecio Siller Cortez
11/5/2021 08:46:30 am
For me nothings hard, but when your in film, you can brainstorm about whatever you want. Film is easy if you know what your doing in the class or studio.
Andrew Cortez
11/5/2021 08:47:13 am
For me creating the screenplay and the story for this project was the most fun part because I was able to be really creative with my writing. In the beginning I struggled with coming up with a story but after thinking about some random words and topics I was able to finish creating the story. I feel pretty good about my learning over the past 4 weeks creating montage mania, I was able to learn and implement skills we learned in class into my project.
11/5/2021 08:47:24 am
Laylonie Garcia
11/5/2021 08:47:35 am
It was fun i thought learning about the 180 rule was cool and fun to talk about.
Lauren Li
11/5/2021 08:48:28 am
I think making the storyline was my favorite part of the creative process. I struggled with my time management and thought it would take less time than it actually did. I feel like I learned a lot about film and how I could become better at creating them during this unit.
11/5/2021 08:49:24 am
this proccess for the montage mania project was in my opinoin the best so far as it really invoked the creative ideas out and had me sifting through them for the clump of gold
11/5/2021 09:00:39 am
Roxy Medina
11/5/2021 09:02:38 am
Brainstorming my short film was pretty easy and writing the screen play. But since I was working with a group it was difficult to get good footage. Not having the best footage made editing hard. Maybe next time I'll work with a smaller group or just alone. I feel good about my learning. I feel like I know a lot more about certain types of film.
Gabriela Gonzalez
11/5/2021 09:04:33 am
11/5/2021 09:47:51 am
i got to do it with a little group and i liked it we were in the film room having fun
Evan Anaya
11/5/2021 12:03:10 pm
Making the montage mania was difficult, mainly because I lacked the motivation to do anything else. And I struggle with acting, since I was a little depressed at the time and overthinking it... So I just decided from now on, I'm not going to act. I think it's more fun if I don't act, and it comes out better. It's a weird line of thinking, but originally, there was going to be a story. I decided for there not to be a story and instead, for there to be no dialogue, and just music. It was a sweet story, underlying the theme of love and happiness. The background footage is just me hanging out with my soulmate on vrchat, while Persona music is playing. I wish I could've been a little more creative, but I'm more of an improv guy. Acting isn't my thing, but being myself is. I was worried while I was hanging out with her, but looking back on it, it was a nice way to have a romantic night!
Haley Delong
11/5/2021 12:04:39 pm
The most fun part to create was filming, and having trouble staying serious for scenes. A part i struggled with was getting all the shots in that i needed, and staying on task and not getting distracted while filming. I feel like the project the most taught me about different types of shots, and i did the most editing ive done with this project so that was nice practice.
Gregory Minnikoff
11/5/2021 12:05:38 pm
I'm in the process of filming the video, so far I enjoy filming it. I get to use my creativity, I get to make the video with my little brother, and he uses his creativity too. I like these kind of projects.
Hunter Siters
11/5/2021 12:05:44 pm
I think that overall, I did not spend my time wisely, and I should have put more effort into it, instead of doing it all last second. I think that because I waited till the last three days, I was putting a lot of effort and time into it, which was stressing me out. I did learn though that I could edit and do better things, like adding sound effects, doing actual writing, using real and stock footage, and many more. My favorite part of the Montage was the opening, I think that I did a good job with it, also the end, it was amazing. I think that overall, I did an ok job with it, but im glad I got the chance to do it!
Elias Resler
11/5/2021 12:06:21 pm
The process overall of developing a short film was very unique and different, to me at least. I would have to say that the most fun part to me was the editing of the scenes, I had quite a bit of fun putting together the video and audios of me and my sister. I seemed to struggle with filming the most at least for me i thought it was going to be hard and I procrastinated a lot and it ended up not taking that long, and it was not difficult at all. I feel like I learned a lot about the overall filming of a movie from screen writing to actually how they make it seem so real and so continuous. I am proud of what I learned over the last 4 weeks.
Dylan G.
11/5/2021 12:06:26 pm
the most fun thing to create was the montage because it was the easiest to create and it was less difficult than some of the other things in the video like the footage. on part I really struggled on the most was finding out what I wanted to do with my montage and finding out what it was going to be about. I got around that by seeing other example video that gave me an idea of what I wanted to do.
Leala Moreau
11/5/2021 12:06:39 pm
What I liked about this project, is that I got to write out a fictional story about characters that I already was thinking about doing something with and this was the perfect chance to do so. Though, I wish was able to have more time to animate this. I really wish I could've done more in terms of drawing. I'm really confident about the voice acting; I think me and my partner has done a really good job on that part.
John Parks
11/5/2021 12:06:44 pm
everything leading up to making the video was fairly simple and easy, but I have yet to make the actual video yet. I'm going to make it this weekend and I'm sure the filming won't be hard but wevideo is always a challenge for me to use.
Anika Romero
11/5/2021 12:07:05 pm
Starting my pre production was kind of hard but I ended up coming up with a script , we filmed a different script but it was fun to film and editing was kind of hard but it worked out better than I thought it would in the end. I could say this film has been the hardest but most fun to create.
11/5/2021 12:07:16 pm
This video project was pretty fun to create. There were some issues that were going wrong with my video project such as windy and rainy days. And most of the video was taken place outside. I ended up giving up on the 1st idea I made because I was unable to resume the film and it wouldn't be due on time because of the weather. But I quickly thought of a new film idea thanks to the brainstorm assignment that we did a few weeks ago. So I was able to quickly finish that up yesterday afternoon. I would like to thank my friends for trying to help out with the first video idea I was making but was unable to. But overall this project was pretty cool to make and I hope I will have another chance to finish my 1st video idea on a different project.
Alexander Ura
11/5/2021 12:07:22 pm
This project was more fun in my opinion because I got to write my own screenplay and I was going to do it with friends and family. Planning it was hard for me because I didn't know what I wanted my story to be about But I eventually came up with something that I liked.
Angel S.
11/5/2021 12:07:32 pm
I think having to put all the stock footage is a struggle for me, my favorite part is editing but it's sometimes hard depending on what you need to do I also did struggle for ideas when first starting.
Jesse Johnson
11/5/2021 12:07:39 pm
It was more fun to create the scenes because when you finally get into the flow of creating new ideas or new scenarios that the characters can be in it really turns out to be so much fun and it also brings an uplifting mood if you weren't having a great day already. We didn't really struggle with anything, and everything kind of fell into place quite nicely. I feel like there was a lot to learn about in these past couple of weeks and the reviews that we did really helped me keep all of that information in my mind.
Belania Ibal Hernandez
11/5/2021 12:08:25 pm
For me, making the scenes fit and editing them was the part I enjoyed the most. I think the part I struggled with the most was coming up with what I should base my video on. The way I solved that problem was not overthinking it and just going with my idea. I felt like I was understanding the material just fine, I have to admit I did struggle and I was confused at first though.
Santpreet Singh
11/5/2021 12:08:37 pm
The most fun to create was the montage because there were were so many different ways to do it.
Diego Garcia Duenas
11/5/2021 12:09:30 pm
The most fun I had while creating this project was probably writing the script. Just something about using your creativity to come up with a story is just fascinating to me. The thing that I struggle with is when I'm actually editing more specifically finding music to go along wit my type of video. I usually over come this challenge fairly quickly due to the fact that I can find the music that I'm looking for in less than 20 minutes. I feel like I learned a lot throughout this unit, I did not know their where so many different types of montage's but now I know.
11/5/2021 12:10:49 pm
Based on what I finished and did not finish, I think the script I made was okay but I didn't understand where to place the specific headings or titles and didn't know exactly what to make the script about and most of it seemed random, but overall of writing the scrip I think I did well. I wasn't able to complete the video because the person I planned on making the video with wasn't available most of the time.
Sophia B
11/5/2021 12:11:01 pm
What was more fun to create... the story, the scenes, the montage, something else? Why?
Azrielle Mendez
11/5/2021 12:11:49 pm
The process of developing a short film was a hard one. Brain storming an idea since I always wanted to make a film about Amazon and Jeff Bezos. The screenplay writing was a little tricky but I knew what I wanted. Shooting and editing was probably the hardest because of how long it took, all the messed up scenes and how long it actually took to put it together and make it a decent film. the fun parts of the whole process was that I filmed with friends and we had a lot of laughs. I feel like I have a better understanding of montage as we went through the process. I understand more and more about film the more I continue to take this class.
11/5/2021 12:14:25 pm
I procrastinated doing this project at every stage, But not because I didn't like this project but because I'm lazy. So I did this project all in one day, and I must say I had a good time with this project and I'm sure you will too. Just don't procrastinate like me.
Rommel Moreno Manzo JR
11/5/2021 12:17:56 pm
I want to say thanks to Mr. Hanks for the motivation and support, Every time I struggled on a technical issue he was there to help me with it and about the montage mania video project I over came some challenges due to not learning how to use the Wevideo application so I got to lean by messing with the website until I got the hang of it I truly thought it would be easy but unfortunately it wasn't I at least tried my best and that's one thing you should have in your state of mind.
Peter Y
11/5/2021 12:24:03 pm
I enjoyed everything the story writing, filming, and editing, but i really did enjoy putting the clips together and lookin at how it turned out it was just cool to see. The story creating process was hard at first I couldn't think of anything accept for stupid ideas and I just felt like I didn't want to film what I thought of so I just kept on trying to think of new ideas and just write the who script, then I wrote on about bulling and It was anti-bully-week so it was perfect. I did not get to finish the project because of time so I put a PT2 coming soon, Which I hope to film soon. I really did enjoy filming and everything and I hope I get a good grade.
11/8/2021 12:39:23 pm
The story making process was the hardest part for me. I kept changing my story. The montage was hard to because I couldn't pick a scene for it. Everything else went well though. I overcame the creative thinking process by talking to my friends and getting ideas from them.
Laila H.
11/9/2021 08:55:08 am
During the unit I liking making the screenplays the most. It was fun created a plot and writing it out. I found that it is a bit easier to make the screenplay versus filming, the filming was fun though. Learning about montage was very interesting as well since I see montage used in movies and shows very often. Overall, I really liked the unit and thought it was fun.
11/17/2021 10:11:48 pm
I think that the video story line was the most fun to create because the movie was a very creative movie and very unique
11/19/2021 09:58:58 am
I feel like the most fin part is actually filming the scenes because depending on the script you could do some really fun things. I definitely struggled with making the script because the script that i originally had made no sense and was boring. Me personally my learning was boring because one of the main people for our script was sick so she wasn't at school so it was just me and one other person filming and at one point we had all of our parts filmed and had nothing else to do, so for me i don't even have this assignment turned in.
12/2/2021 10:21:02 pm
I think the best part about filming was being able to watch the clips after filming your shots, seeing how you put things together in the end while editing the film, and planning out how your films plot would be like.
Petr Nikolaev
12/15/2021 06:31:59 pm
Hugo perez
11/10/2022 08:42:48 am
Overall the project was fun and pretty easy to make, the only struggle my group had was staying focused on shooting and not messing around. It was very fun to create and i would do it again if i could.
Christoper flores
11/10/2022 08:43:06 am
Well, I had the scraped the script because I couldn't do irl filming, SO I animated the entire thing. I only used music and art. The reason why because of family issues and friends not showing up on time. Overall animating was a pain in my booty cheeks and Im doing this as my future job yay.
11/10/2022 12:52:31 pm
please do not cuss
11/10/2022 08:43:18 am
The filming was the most fun part of this project because we got to go outside and film. I struggled with the screenplay writing so we used someone elses screenplay for the film. I feel proud of our montage mania film.
Jimmy Correa
11/10/2022 08:43:26 am
Right now, I am still working on filming the second half of the screenplay. The things that were holding me back were lack of creativity and being sick. Though I will say this is a really fun project.
Evelina Cherkashin
11/10/2022 08:43:51 am
It was fun to create Montage Mania because I got to do it with people that make the class fun and enjoyable. I struggled with understanding where they wanted the camera angle, the way I overcame it was by them showing me and after so many retakes. These 4 weeks were so fun and unforgettable, the class is great and you mostly will use the things in the future.
xzavier b
11/10/2022 08:43:58 am
i felt that i liked the filming and don't like the editing.
Darrin McCammon
11/10/2022 08:44:47 am
The montage mania was probably the most fun project we've had so far. I enjoy developing films and productions more than acting in them, and I am glad I was able to with this one. Scriptwriting was enjoyable, I did not struggle with ideas this time, and there's something about the way it's organize that makes it easy to write. My filming is not great, I'm still working to get familiar with the shot types (especially how to utilize them), but I still had a great time with the product. However, with all that was fun there were some issues. Scheduling with my friends was a nightmare, we're all busy. And the audio mixing is not in its best condition. Despite all this, I had a great time producing this.
11/10/2022 08:44:57 am
I think the scenes were more fun to create because you have to find a place to film them and it has to fit the description in the scene. I overcame the creative process by just taking a break when I needed it and thought more and more and I finally thought of what to write. I feel good about the 4 week journey creating Montage Mania because it was pretty fun to make and film and wasn't hard to do.
malachai johnson
11/10/2022 08:45:15 am
The main fun thing that I got to do was editing because when your editing all your really doing is showing people what you can do in the film life i was a little mad that I didn't get to be in the video but its ok
11/10/2022 08:45:15 am
I thought that it was very interesting creating this because you need a lot of clips and good timing when editing to create a montage. I enjoyed the process of looking for clips and matching them with the music
Dalyla Allport
11/10/2022 08:45:28 am
I think it was all fun to create. The most fun to create was the screenplay and the making of the video because it was really fun to see it all come together. The montage was also really fun to create because it was interesting to see how it worked and I am new to making montages so I think it could have been better but it was still alright. I did struggle with what the montage was going to be about but I eventually figured it out in the end, this project was really fun for me.
Alexis B.
11/10/2022 08:46:03 am
What I mostly enjoyed of the montage mania project was the actual filming and editing of the video. It's a very long process but for me it's the most fun part to do. The biggest difficulty I had during this project was getting a good idea that would work and make sense for the topic of montage mania, but after coming up with a decent screenplay, the rest of the process was fairly easy and fun.
Gabriel DeLaPaz
11/10/2022 08:46:20 am
Its fun to create because its a montage. You use multiple shots to create the film. It also requires you to think into the future what the next shot will look like.
11/10/2022 08:46:30 am
the script and screenwriting was easy to do. and the shooting was most fun because we got to use new shots and angles. this my favorite video yet
Aiyana Mitchell
11/10/2022 08:47:23 am
I really had a difficult time coming up with the story line to go with the script but i didn't get to finish the video yet, i think this is a really fun project that leaves a lot of room for creativity. I think coming up with a concept would be the most difficult part of all of this. I enjoy editing and doing everything else for this short movie/film. I also really enjoyed the fact that he let us choose if we wanted to work with groups or not, along with how we all had a different theme and concept, it just makes if that much more enjoyable.
Joseph Itzko
11/10/2022 08:47:44 am
My favorite part of the montage mania was the filming of the montage, it was super fun to make, and looking back it was quite funny. The hardest thing for me was the screenplay, I changed the screenplay 3 or 4 times because it didn't make sense. I feel good about the work I've produced in the last weeks.
11/10/2022 08:48:00 am
Writing the screenplay was my favorite part, I really liked creating a story with characters and everything. Brainstorming was also pretty easy because I love creatively writing, so I had a lot of ideas I could put into a video. The shooting part was kind of boring, since I had to film a bunch of short clips for the montage part. The hardest thing though, was getting all my clips uploaded into my computer. Editing was easy as well, because at the beginning of every clip, I wrote what scene is was. So when I went into editing, I was able to see all the actual clips and everything, and where they went. Then it was straight forward from there. I got it all together and everything. The hard part was underestimating how long it actually took for all the clips to upload.
11/10/2022 08:48:15 am
I think the best part about filming was coming up with the script's and thinking about how it would be when were recording. Another best part about filming was the recording, the recording was the best part because when you would actually film and act there would be some bloopers that would be funny. The last best part about filming was editing, it was fun because I think we got the whole experience of editing and for me personally it was a lot of fun.
11/10/2022 08:48:44 am
i had a lot of fun with it was very organic and original we freestyled and used a part of a script and did everything other than that without a script and it was fun and came out good.
11/10/2022 08:49:03 am
I enjoyed the creation of my montage mania now I did the sorta same topic in my last video and I wasn't proud of it and so I did the same sort of idea in this video. Screenplay writing was fun something I don't think I've done before also funny making these words I would say in the video not what I would really say in real life. Shooting and Editing I think was the best and also worst part it was hard trying to get the footage in a certain amount of time but it was fun filming the Editing was hard but once I got some ideas it turned out pretty good. I think it was most fun to create the story at a time where you have so much ideas so much creativity I have not had in a while it was fun thinking about all these things I could do. Overall a fun project and I think I did pretty good.
Robert Johnson
11/10/2022 08:49:46 am
11/10/2022 08:49:52 am
I think filming the montage was the funniest part because i got to work outside of class with my other friends. The part i found the hardest was keeping my friends who aren't in this class focused. I feel good abt the 4 week montage mania it was fun.
Camille Cameron
11/10/2022 09:00:56 am
My favorite parts were the brainstorming, the fact that we didn't have to stick to a specific time length and I could add in all of my ideas, and seeing the final product. Working with a real script was new but fun to learn, and it gave me the opportunity to see all of the little details that go into reading from a real script. The most difficult part was filming shots that I was satisfied with.
Guillemro Urena
11/10/2022 09:26:36 am
Brainstorming is the easiest part because you are just coming up with the idea. Depending on your idea then filming will vary. it is not that hard but it is pretty hard. Finding someone to help you could be hard to. And if you have no one to help you film then its harder to film. Creating a film isnt easy but the end results could be worth it.
Christian Duran
11/10/2022 12:03:29 pm
Overall, creating the Montage Mania was an enjoyable experience for me. I had the most fun writing my screenplay because I really had a chance to be creative with it and wright about a fantasy story about what I was passionate about and enjoy doing in a daily life basis. I know I could've done better on the video itself. I wish I had put more thought into the settings to make filming easier to accomplish at home. And not do it later on when it was due.
11/10/2022 12:03:54 pm
I liked it
Jewell Perfetto
11/10/2022 12:04:03 pm
I liked this project. Coming up with the idea was easy because I already had a good idea at what I wanted to do. Filming was easy, and editing it was very quick. It was also a lot of fun. 11/10/2022 12:04:14 pm
Me and my partner just brainstormed together, we started with an idea, turned that into a very basic plot, and then turned that basic plot into a full plot by adding details, locations, and what the characters said in each scene. I think my favorite part was being done.
Sunnie F
11/10/2022 12:05:32 pm
In my opinion the story was the most fun part to create, only because there wasn't any rules and you could do anything to your imagination. Something I struggled with was making the film but other than that everything was very fun.
Dylan Fisher
11/10/2022 12:05:41 pm
It was fun but the hardest part is acting, I can't find a way to not be myself. Which is a person with no energy and talks slow. It ruins the montage because I don't act like the character I'm playing, I was just me.
Abraham Hamdard
11/10/2022 12:05:58 pm
My favorite part about the montage mania was filming the montage. The most difficult thing for me was getting the right angles.
Stassi saris
11/10/2022 12:06:08 pm
I would say that editing the video is the most easy and fun part. I would also say that thinking of what your story is about is the hardest part. But once you peace together all the pieces and record your video is becomes pretty easy. I would say the most fun part is the brainstorming.
11/10/2022 12:06:40 pm
The funnest part was the filming and editing. I had to do the filming on my own since I was sick, but it was still fun. The editing part is really fun because you're putting your whole project and all your work together and choosing music and stuff is fun. At first, I struggled with how to film it. Since I had originally planned with a lot more people, the change to having to do it by myself was hard and I didn't know how to start. I overcame this by doing different voices and doing voiceovers for different characters. Also, by making some communication into a text conversation instead of real life. I feel like I am learning A LOT of new stuff about film in this class and now everytime I watch a movie, show, short film, ETC I think a lot deeper about it.
Conrad Ramos
11/10/2022 12:06:59 pm
My favorite part was shooting some wacky and zany scenes, I made myself laugh with some of them. The hardest part is staying focused while editing, but it is pretty funny if you're trying to make something goofy
Jaiden Rios
11/10/2022 12:07:17 pm
My favorite parts of the Montage Mania video was the recording process, me and my friends had a lot of good laughs while recording. I had my friends brainstorm ideas to me when I didn't know what to do for some parts of the film. I felt like I have learned a lot of important things about film in the past 4 weeks that have helped me with my recording process.
11/10/2022 12:07:22 pm
I didn't wanted to be on the camera so I decided to use soft toys, I also wanted to film it at home so I can put my time on it. Shooting the script was fun but because I filmed on my phone. It was hard to remind myself to film horizontal all the time. Editing was more fun as I can make my own version. It was time consuming but consistency is the key for these projects. Creating my own idea of what kind of montage I want to put in and executing it was the most enjoyable part for this project for me.
Charles Rivera
11/10/2022 12:08:13 pm
What was fun was actual giving the character more of personality instead of both characters being based off me fully. What I struggled with was trying to find a good establishing shot in WeVideo, the videos provided weren't what I was looking for but I ended up finding something.
Anthony Johnson
11/10/2022 12:08:23 pm
I found it as a very fun assignment and had a fun time with filming.
Antonio D'Antonoli
11/10/2022 12:08:30 pm
I immensely enjoyed creating the script for the project, outside of that I haven't enjoyed the process too much. Two things that held me back was my management of time and mental health. I will say that I had the most fun with planning the shots, writing the script, and creating a storyboard. I feel that I've learned a lot in the last four weeks surrounding Montage Mania, but I am disappointed in how I managed my time for filming.
11/10/2022 12:09:54 pm
i didnt really do much because i was sick but helping out was fun
ryko higuera
11/10/2022 12:10:15 pm
My favorite part was brainstorming, it was fun coming up with ideas. And it wasn't hard to come up with ideas.
Zoariah Smith
11/10/2022 12:10:21 pm
I really disliked it, drawing the same characters over and over again got tiring, putting it all together to make it make sense at all was also mindboggling I worked around this taxing task by just progressively drawing doodles.
Mateo F
11/10/2022 12:10:35 pm
I enjoyed the production of the montage the most, as I had spent most of the time outside and recording. The editing process was enjoyable too as I was able to put together footage the way I feel.
Adan Rodriguez
11/10/2022 12:10:49 pm
I really liked it a lot because it expanded my creative mind even further and brainstorming with my team was really fun as well, writing the script was fun overall we all had to pick who we wanted to be. Making the montage was the best part cause not only was it funny but it was also creative and we had to do lots of scenes where we needed, we also helped each other a lot with our editing .Finally ,me personally this is one of my favorite filming ideas ever.
Christopher Chan
11/10/2022 12:11:24 pm
Brainstorming was the most simplest step, though I was going back and forth on what idea I wanted to go with. When it came to screenplay writing, I realized how difficult it is to actually write dialogue and scenes. It's easy to visualize scenes in your head, but actually putting all that into words wasn't easy. As a result, I spent way longer on writing the screenplay than I should. Then when it comes to shooting, well admittedly I haven't actually finished shooting everything. But from what I've done, shooting has tired me out. It's exhausting trying to get everything right as you want it. I also haven't done much editing yet, but from my experiences on montage, I think it would be fine. I liked creating the montage portions. Overall I think the process is fine, but it does get exhausting pretty quick.
Noah Ford
11/10/2022 12:11:45 pm
This project for me was not as hard as the last one. I work better as a team instead of alone. This time we brainstormed before going outside to film which was a lot easier. We struggled a little bit on the montage part but in the end it came together.
Hunter Swenson
11/10/2022 12:12:19 pm
Brainstorming the idea of the film was the easiest part to do, and screenplay writing was just an extension of that. The most fun part of making our short film was filming for me, even though we had some slight issues getting the right shots. It was just fun seeing our story become more fleshed out every new shot. The most satisfying but hardest part for me was editing the video. I rushed a little in the end, but I think it turned out alright. I think it is my best video to date.
Cody DaRosa
11/10/2022 12:12:36 pm
What was more fun to create... the story, the scenes, the montage, something else? In my opinion the shooting was my favorite. it gave me the creative freedom to shoots what I want where I want and let me make a video that I felt happy with because I come up with better ideas in the moment.
Davis Semple3
11/10/2022 12:13:14 pm
Creating the scenes was fun because it made me think about how I could make the video cool. I struggled with the screen play, and ended up just writing what was in my head. I feel really good about my learning in these past 4 weeks.
Marykate B
11/10/2022 12:14:11 pm
I think brainstorming and picking the music were my favorite parts when developing my short film because I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do, but I was unsure of how to execute it. I struggled figuring out whether I should do a voice over with stock footage or film it myself because I wasn't sure if I could film it all myself. So, I decided to do the voice over.
Anthony P
11/17/2023 08:43:26 am
it was challenging making a story at first i didnt know what to do, But my brother and dad helped. i still gotta do the video then edit it then im done.
Matheus Marques
11/17/2023 08:44:15 am
Creating the montage mania project had some difficulties but it was also fun going out and filming Batman beat up a common thug.
Arseniy telelyuyev
11/17/2023 08:44:41 am
Something that was fun for me to do was creating the stories. I liked this because it can help me think better and open my mind to more options of what I want to do. The four weeks were long but I did do the work. Even if I missed some days I still had time to finish the work. Lots of the videos are thanks to my classmates because they made most of my videos possible
Matteo Fabretti
11/17/2023 08:45:09 am
This montage mania project was actually easier than I initially thought it would be. I experienced a decent time editing and gathering footage, as well as planning audio and stock footage. Making my own footage was somewhat challenging due to the crowded environment, but my group and I made it work for the better. This project will definitely help me with future projects, I am just glad I didn't have to present it to the class and hope that I still won't have to in the future.
Brianna Solis
11/17/2023 08:45:20 am
I feel like brainstorming and starting the screenplay went by quick, i had a pretty clear direction throughout. Shooting it was definetly a different story, i had to film my montage in the afternoon rather than in the morning, and i never found the time to reord the begining scene. As of right now, i havent finished the video, but i feel like editing it will be quick. i really liked writing it, it wasnt hard for me to do, and i feel like it came out really good
Adam Thomsen
11/17/2023 08:45:39 am
Creating the montage mania screenplay was a fun process for most of the way. writing the screenplay in studio binder was kind of challenging. The best part by far was gathering the footage and the worst part was editing. overall it was a fun process and I'm excited to make more videos
Arseniy Snezhko
11/17/2023 08:46:43 am
I liked this project. This project was the biggest one we did so far. My favorite part of it was filming. Getting all the shots together and being creative. Editing was very fun to. You can really get creative with all the music and cuts.
11/17/2023 08:46:52 am
this unit was fun then the other units but we had more work to do, one of the fun projects we did was the mon Montage Mania, we learned about different types of montage and different type of ways to edit.
Lia Robinson
11/17/2023 08:47:02 am
what was more fun to create was the scenes, I prefer recording scenes than editing or coming up with stories. I think it's because I already know what angle or what shot I want for the scene. I think I'm struggling with the editing part, I need to find the right clips and voice overs. But I'm getting help from my friend so it's a little more easier.
Nathalia torres
11/17/2023 08:47:28 am
The hardest part for me creatively was during the production portion of my montage mania. The reason it was so hard was because I didn't know what kind of shots we would use, who would do there lines first, and just the overall production part. I did think it was hard to make the montage mania but it was fun to film and I liked it, my favorite part was the editing, even though I'm still editing, I like it.
11/17/2023 08:47:34 am
i think the filming part was fun and being able to play fight made it more enjoyable. We struggled a lot on how we would make this fight go or turn out because even with the script i was still missing some important stuff. The pressure of having to get it done soon got me to finish it. I've learned a lot about montage and continuity editing, and my story had montage more than continuity but had a mix of it all. but i enjoyed learning this even though it was a bit difficult.
Rylan Bauer
11/17/2023 08:47:40 am
The most enjoyable part for me to film was the montage because it was a part of the story that we didn't have a concrete plan for what to do so we came up with a bunch of the shots to put in the montage as we were filming it. I struggled with writing the script a little bit because I wasn't familiar with the process but I learned how to use to better by the end. Over the four weeks of learning about montage I feel that I have learned a lot about it and now I understand the proper situations when to use it and how to create one myself.
Alina Expinoza
11/17/2023 08:47:59 am
My montage mania is not completely done, but so far the brain storming was the most fun for me to do because I already knew what story I wanted to do and how I wanted it to play out. I'm struggling the most with how to film it because I don't know were to set it up at and I'm also struggling with finding someone to be in it. I think over this time I have learned a lot about everything with montage and continuity editing and everything in-between. This unit was very good and a really good learning opportunity with the basics of film types.
Dalyla Saetern
11/17/2023 08:48:27 am
Even though, I struggled with brainstorming and writing my screenplay, after I had completed it I enjoyed the story the most. I think it's fun. I realized I was just being harsh on myself at first. After getting feedback from friends, my ideas grew on me and I powered through. Montage Mania is a fun project and I feel good about my learning over this 4 week journey.
11/17/2023 08:48:46 am
i had a fun time like figuring out what we were going to film and what it was going to be about with my [partner's but unfortunately the day we filmed i was out so I didn't get to be apart of the video.
Liliana rabago
11/17/2023 08:49:24 am
For me it was more fun to create the scenes because it showed what it was going to look like. I struggled with picking what I wanted my story on and I overcame it by just going with something simple. I feel my learning was good.
Alexander Thompson
11/17/2023 08:50:21 am
Creating the script was the top of the ice burg because all the stuff you need or the people you need can change any moment. I got my script done and have a great plan that I was thinking about for a week and reedited a lot just so I can have a fun experience and have fun editing the thing I like a lot MTG but the people I need had other stuff to do and I was pushed back on their plans and other stuff. I cant say much about how editing was easy or hard, I don't even know how long it will take to record everything or other aspects of this but what ever is on my way I will take it head on and try to overcome any problem that comes my way because I like this topic and I will make sur that this video will be great.
11/17/2023 08:51:55 am
we watched a movie named metropolis we had another film assignment.
Landon viramontes
11/17/2023 08:51:55 am
I haven't finished working on the video itself but I did finish the screen play a few weeks back. The screen play was pretty easy but there were some points where I didn't really know what scenes to add in to lead into the montage to make it cohesive to the rest of the video. I do have some experience from the last video I did so I'm fairly confident I'll be able to complete my montage mania soon.
Saveena Gallegos
11/17/2023 08:52:03 am
Well I like writing the Actual script even though I get writers block I can still describe what is on my mind more definably but I still need to start on my filming so I can edit and turn it in but I've just been so busy with other thing such as homework I've never Had the time to really film. One thing that just wasn't it for me was the brainstorm because its just a lot and I have to do more work even though I know what I'm going to do. but all this could benefit me as in using my time correctly and making sure to spacing out class work.
Vika Sukach
11/17/2023 08:54:58 am
This project overall for me was a fun experience. It was fun filming with my siblings and funny to see them act to the script that I showed them. My favorite part was filming for sure because it was fun chasing my siblings with the camera as they acted. Although my project took me hours of editing I liked how it turned out. I think the thing I struggled with most is getting the project done on time. My original plan was to film this project last Saturday because me and my friends were supposed to hangout at the movie theaters and I had a fun scripted planned. But things change and the hangout got canceled and I had to just film and home with my siblings. So me knowing that my siblings are home all the time and I can just film anytime really caused me to stretch my time and do the montage mania video very late. But overall this project was fun.
Joseph Harris
11/17/2023 10:24:47 am
Although I am not finished with my video I did have some fun filming. my favorite part about this project was recording the video. and the least fun i had was making the script.
Joanna Dyer
11/17/2023 10:24:56 am
It was kind of hard to think of my plans on have to go through with this but honestly I will finish it this break because someone in my house has been sick so I haven't been able to do it.
Safeia Sahaf
11/17/2023 10:25:05 am
It was fun and hard at times. Some things were easy to film and some were a bit more harder. Other than that i had a bunch of fun.
Gurpreet Sidhu
11/17/2023 10:25:26 am
For me the project was very hard and i was very busy and i still have alot of work to do and im gonna try to get it done I think over this time I have learned a lot about everything with montage and continuity editing and everything in-between. This unit was very good and a really good learning opportunity with the basics of film types.
11/17/2023 10:25:44 am
It was fun it was good creating montages fun
Ariya Singh
11/17/2023 10:25:50 am
I think it was fun and easy to do, It definitely took some time and effort to make, and make it look good, but overall it was really easy to write out and make it come to life on screen.
Mia Castanos
11/17/2023 10:25:55 am
This project has been fun for me. I haven't finished recording yet, but creating ideas for the video was very interesting and made me think a lot. I like the aspect of coming up with scenes but personally for me, its much harder to follow through with them. I know what I need to do in order to finish, and one of the scenes is filmed on a beach so I'm going to film it this week when I'm by the ocean for break.
Dominick Easlon
11/17/2023 10:26:00 am
Making my Montage Mania project was a pretty fun experience and having to come up with characters and what they are doing is easy to me as I do that very often, the recording went well, the editing is going well im going to finish it today, and overall the project is going great. 11/17/2023 10:26:07 am
The project was very fun to do and the editing I didn't really come across any problems while recording or editing something that I kind of struggled with those was the idea I was thinking for awhile and it was kind of frustrating but I figured things out
Tyrone orr
11/17/2023 10:26:33 am
it was good pretty fun I enjoyed editing. Didn't really struggle on anything pretty fun and easy project feel good abt it.
Yevgeniy Avdeyev
11/17/2023 10:26:41 am
The most fun was definitely the screen writing because thinking of characters and scenes was fun. Making your own story that you can mold and create is much enjoyable. I also liked how we had free rein of the project with not a lot of requirements because it allowed people to be creative.
Kanin McCammon
11/17/2023 10:26:48 am
This project was very fun. Although our main actor was absent for the week, using stock footage was very funny. I wasn't able to match the montage with any beat, or rhythm due to the lack of clips. However, the montage was the most fun to make. The cutting and editing and the music matched well, giving an eerie mood to the video. Although the montage wasn't very long, and had a low variety of clips, I think it was pretty good. Thanks to WeVideo I could search up a prompt and get a good stock footage for it. However, the library was down for one of the days of editing, so I was stuck waiting, and trimming my clips.
Jamie Kawada
11/17/2023 10:26:56 am
I liked making the script I thought that it was fun because you got to chose what the people are doing and where they are and what there doing.
Christopher Ramirez
11/17/2023 10:27:02 am
I liked filming this project it was really fun, I was absent and wasn't able to do the screen write for it, but when I got back, I was quickly able to work with my partner and use her script, it really helped with lines so we knew what we were saying instead of making something up on the spot. Overall this was really fun to make.
Alexis e
11/17/2023 10:27:24 am
My favorite part of creating the short films was definitely the filming. In my opinion writing ideas down and creating new worlds in a script is very cool, although for me I was most happy by filming. By bringing the script to life I could switch out parts of my script and use different cameras angles to give the audience certain emotions. One of my favorite things to film is a montage. I enjoyed creating short films a lot.
Tim Rybin
11/17/2023 10:27:30 am
The project overall was very fun I love the idea of writing a script and acting it put and revising during the shooting. I really wish I could just get things done on time because I hate procrastinating I can't get the time to shoot the scenes. But overall very fun and defiantly got easier.
Daniel Warkentin
11/17/2023 10:27:37 am
Making my Montage Mania project was so much fun because I got learn new things and use the new camera angles and mostly try out some new editing tips I learned on YouTube. The struggles were mostly just having the time to record the clips and find a spot to film at and also the time was limited because we had a day and a half to film and most were just mess up clips. I have learned many new things about how camera angles and how they were created and why it is useful to learn them.
Nathaniel Butler
11/17/2023 10:27:45 am
When I was first assigned the brainstorm I could not come up with anything and then we had to do the screenplay and I still had nothing. But the my partner Jayden came up with a idea so I went with that the easiest part was actual the montage because I used stock footage and the montage was in the intro. Filming was harder because we had to redo takes a lot but eventually we got everything we needed. And then when was editing the actual video it was kind of hard because I had lots of shots to work with but eventually I got it how I wanted it.
Clasten V
11/17/2023 10:27:50 am
Making my montage mania was nice took too long but it got done and it came out a little better then expected a lot of bloopers but it was nice it took my about 13 hours in total to plan and edit the video after due to me deleting and adding different things and trying to make out a idea but also keep it simple so it took a while to edit but it came out nice so I'm not upset about it I wont share it with a lot of people but I'll share it with some. I feel as if I learned a lot the time being in this class because I put everything I learned into some of the Montage Mania video.
Andru Chavez
11/17/2023 10:28:04 am
When I was making it I had a lot of fun because its just something I like to do sometimes anyways. creating a small story along with it made it ten times better because I never did something like that before. if I were to create a montage usually I would make it just to make one small funny short video, but now it actually had a story to go along with it. I struggled with a lot of personal things during the time of the project but overall, it was a great learning experience and I had fun :D
11/17/2023 10:28:31 am
This short film was fun. The brainstorming was horrible you start with one idea then go to a different one. Recording the and editing was really fun and easy. Making the montage was fun because you had to be creative on how to have the shots or how many you wanted and have backup shots. The learning curve over the 4 weeks on making the Montage mania was good and learned a lot of how the montage looks like and how they can be all different from each other.
Caden Mendoza
11/17/2023 10:29:06 am
I enjoyed creating this montage mania project overall. I think for me the fun part to create was the actual visual scenes because it was cool and interesting to try to match the script(words) with an actual visual. I think I struggled the most with the screenplay and writing part of the creative process because trying to figure out the correct format was difficult at first and trying to think of lengthy dialogue that sounded natural. I liked learning about montages and how to create them a lot because I think montages are one of the best way to convey messages and other stuff so to learn how to do it myself was cool.
Gabriella Yimbo
11/17/2023 10:29:16 am
The project was fun I have not finished editing but I am excited to continue, the whole experience with filming has been a lot of fun getting different shots and when You mess up you can just look at it as a laughing experience rather than getting mad or something. It is also funny to use as bloopers so you/ audience can see how it is actually like, because obviously nobody gets it right on the first try. Overall I think that this was a fun project and I can't wait to continue.
Jayden Barcal
11/17/2023 10:29:33 am
This Project was overall a very fun experience for me. It was very fun to film with the other students of my class and I never enjoy the script I made and also making it too. The thing that took me the longest was making the script. At the start I was struggling it and kept on changing it because I didn't enjoyed how it turned out. I finally figured out the script and started filming, which was my favorite part. Overall this project was very fun and I learn a lot from this project and I will do even better on the next video.
Ria Diwan
11/17/2023 10:29:39 am
I thought that the project was really fun to make. I loved filming with my friends and it was a really good experience. It was challenging to make a script that I could film and help come to life. I had fun with the shots and planning what to film. I really enjoyed the assignment because we had a lot of freedom with what we chose to do. The project was really fun for me and I learned a lot.
Ariel Airada
11/17/2023 10:30:07 am
Montage Mania for me was pretty fun to create, currently I am finishing up my edit but it's almost done! Personally I like to edit, it is one of my favorite feelings accomplishing something. That being said, nothing was particularly 'fun' this time in terms of making my Montage Mania, it was more intense focus! Honestly I think I may have planned too much for me to do, I even had to take a couple things out of my script when I filmed, but I think it still is coming together well. I struggled the most with just having the energy to go out and film, but I did it! I just told myself 'you have to' and did it. Over these four weeks I had a blast leaning about montage and would totally do it all over again!
Danil Vlasenko
11/17/2023 10:30:20 am
I wasn't able to finish this assignment yet, due to my dog dying and me being sick for majority of the week, and the person I was filming with decided to get grounded but other than that I find this assignment still doable. I plan to finish filming with him Tuesday when he isn't grounded or I will just finish filming myself. But when I was filming I found the filming process to be the most enjoyable part of this experience even though I haven't even finished half of the video editing wise, I still find editing to be the most grueling part of making these films. I definitely could of used my time better this entire term by not procrastinating these assignments but I'm an idiot. I will definitely get all of my assignments completed before I decide to not do all of my work for a class.
Vincent Alvarez
11/17/2023 10:30:39 am
Writing the l script was easy for me and I can describe what is on my mind better but I still need to start on my filming so I can edit and turn it in but I've just been so busy and the location to where I want to film hasn't been easy access and the days I could've gone other things popped up. Its want even time management thing I feel like it was more life thing and stuff happens. What I could do better is improvising the setting when I couldn't go.
Giovanni sims
11/17/2023 10:31:11 am
Making this montage mania project has been fun and challenging. Creating the scenes were fun.
Samuel Vinnikov
11/17/2023 10:31:32 am
I think this was one of the easier projects to do, especially because the creative process of making up the script and stuff was really quick. It took like maybe an hour to do the script and the filming took me 2 days. Total time probably something like 3 hours because my friends like to goof off a lot. The people i was originally going to do the video with, bailed on me. Granted it wasn't their own fault, but it was still an upsetting setback. After a few moments of scrambling around, I eventually found someone to come over and help me record. This friend was a life saver, but she had her own qualms. She said that she didn't want to go outside, no matter what. I thought this was pretty dumb, but you have to work with what you have. I had to pretty much ditch most of the script i had written because most of it was outside, and just do improv on the fly. I had a vision for what I wanted the footage to look like after editing, but definitely no script to go off of. In the end i think this project was pretty fun, like all the video projects we have done for this class. Editing was quite simple as all i had to do was put the clips together and some credits and what not.
Shayal Prasad
11/17/2023 10:31:48 am
I think that for the most part, making the video was easy and it was also easy to write bc it was based off of a true story. I think filming it was one of the easiest parts about it and I liked being able to work with the camera and get different points of views and different types of shots. The edited portion is not yet done but I think editing it is also very easy especially compared to my first two videos bc now I know a lot more and I like experimenting with it.
11/17/2023 10:32:03 am
The video I'm going to make over break I'm like kind of scared I'm really not sure but making the scrip was fun making about the dog and I will doing it with my friends. The reason I'm scared to make it because I feel like its going to be hard so I don't know. Making the scrip was kind of hard for me because I din=dent know what to do for the video and stuff.
11/17/2023 01:17:53 pm
Creating "Montage Mania" had its ups and downs. Brainstorming the story was fun, letting my creativity flow. Writing the screenplay was a bit tedious, organizing ideas took some effort.
Vika Kadatskiy
11/27/2023 09:13:05 am
I had the hardest time creating Montage Mania, I didn't know how to start. I also didn't really get a flow going until the last second.
Dominik Hernandez
11/28/2023 08:33:02 am
I really liked doing the montage mania even though I didn't really follow some of the guidelines. Over all the entire thing was fun and awesome to do.
5/3/2024 07:55:33 pm
I think what was the most fun to create was probably the scene because we had fun while filming and trying to figure out how we want to say our lines, as well as how our characters are interacting with one another. It was fun because it would come out differently than we expected and ended up changing some things around. I feel good about these past few weeks learning about Montage Mania. One thing i struggled with was trying to come up with the script because i could not think of something to write, but i over came it by just doing something casual.
5/4/2024 08:15:52 am
Overall I feel the Montage mania projects wasn't too hard. For me writing the script was very easy but trying to figure out how I wanted the shots to look like were really the only parts where I struggled a little bit.
Tanjyoth Dhaliwal
5/6/2024 12:22:55 pm
I enjoyed this project overall I think the most fun part was creating a script since you get to discover different ideas and perspectives. The only hard part was finding time to get everything put together and turned in.
Dorrrell Bolton
5/6/2024 12:39:54 pm
I think mine can be better if I had more people but it is still good even with stock videos or photos, but I learned how to make a montage of something. I know I can now make a montage of different things if I wanted to.
Katrina Khripunov
5/6/2024 09:26:54 pm
It was not as hard as I thought it was going to be brainstorming the script, scenes, ect. The scenes were most fun to create because I had fight scenes and those were really fun to film. Overall I enjoyed the montage mania project and it was fun learning how to make montages.
natalie C
5/7/2024 09:49:52 am
its not as hard as i imagined it and the script and scences were fun to make Comments are closed.
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