9/11/2020 08:51:13 am
In My video the worst part was narrating it is easy to find videos and fun to edit them, Now I want to learn a little bit more about editing .
Monserrat Jimenez Lopez
9/14/2020 11:10:47 am
I had fun doing my video but still there are things that I don't understand but I can learn :)
10/2/2023 11:36:02 am
I want to get better at telling storys and video taping and i know i will get better it is fun and cool not bad.
2/14/2024 05:09:57 pm
I had fun doing my video but still there are things that I don't understand but I can learn
2/13/2025 09:02:58 am
I had some coming up with some ideas, for this project i wanted to make it kinda like one of those serious commerials that brings up important topics in our lifes, was it the best? jusr a little but at leats i had an i dea of what i wanted
2/13/2025 02:50:45 pm
I really liked doing it but I was struggling when it came to being creative.
9/11/2020 08:51:42 am
I wasn't doing my best with this topic. I hate talking about myself when it's not very interesting. The worst part in the audio because I couldn't find a good way to record my guitar so I just had to run with it. In the next project I will actually put more thought into what I'm making. All in all, I give myself a 6/10.
9/11/2020 08:53:12 am
Looking at my work I am going back through photos and reliving memories to complete the video. I learned that it is better to space out the work with video making to prevent becoming overwhelmed or having too rush to finish a project. Looking ahead I would like to try different website to make videos and explore different options.
Travis Vazquez
9/11/2020 08:54:10 am
The challenging part for me is i didn't know what to say and it took me a while to find a topic to go into its orgin story. Next time I do this project i'm probably going to do more editing and make a script.
Danny Alvarez
9/11/2020 08:55:06 am
I wish I did better on my video.
9/11/2020 08:57:36 am
My video didn't go very well. I didn't know what to do for it, so it ended up being terrible. The biggest struggle was uploading the files. It took hours just to upload one. We spent a couple days trying to save them to a computer so that it would be easier. The biggest take-away from my video is that I could have just recorded the footage on my computer. It would have been a lot easier.
9/11/2020 09:00:05 am
Starting off with my origin story brainstorm I had a completely different theme and motif for my video but over time and as I worked more on the pre-production and a little bit of production it evolved into what it is now. If I am being completely honest then I had no clue where it was going at one point but, everything worked out in the end. A few take-aways I got from this was to triple check your work and don´t stress during pre-production
Reylina Curtis
9/11/2020 09:00:23 am
I purely enjoyed this project! I got to find old videos that warmed my heart or that I didn't even know existed. It let me reflect on how far I have came because you know you can get into your own head and be like " ah I suck" lol. For next time, I am definently gonna play around more with text and work on the music so it sounds smoother because I think my cuts were a little coppy.
Jazmine Solorzano
9/11/2020 09:04:15 am
The most challenging part was having to come up with video ideas for my Origin story.While making my video, I was getting overwhelmed from trying to put stuff together since I haven't done much editing before . Overall, I do believe I can do better in future projects.
9/11/2020 09:05:44 am
The hardest part of this project for me was finding a starting point. But, once I got started, I flew through the process of making the video. I know I could do better, but I've never enjoyed talking about myself. Overall, I think I did ok, but in the future, I hope to do better.
Miguel Beaven
9/15/2020 01:58:58 pm
The production was hard I didn't really get it at the beggining but I kind of know what I was doing at the end.And It was kind of hard coming up with ideas of the origin story.And the editing was kind of hard to with the colors and the writing.
9/11/2020 09:06:23 am
While making my project I liked the many pieces I was able to include in my video, I had a lot of fun looking for paintings to fit what I was talking about. I wish my computer had better audio so the audio on the video would be clearer. plan to get more familiar with Wii videos so I can make higher-quality videos throughout the year.
Shaker Amin
9/11/2020 09:06:48 am
It is easy to make the graphics and audio part of the video but the script was the hardest thing for me when I was making this video because I wanted it to sound amusing and not boring. I wish I started the video earlier because there was parts of the videos that I could drastically improve if I had more time.I plan to make another video similar to this with a better script audio and graphics.
Juan Martinez
9/11/2020 09:07:53 am
I didn't do it😐
Hannah Amundsen
9/11/2020 09:13:23 am
A big challenge in my video was having to scroll through lots of pictures to find the ones I needed. Although it took a lot of time I actually enjoyed looking at all the pictures. Looking forward I want to do better at the script and my voice-over.
9/11/2020 12:44:02 pm
I thought that the origin story project was fun and interesting. The brainstorming part was my favorite because it really helped me. The amount of questions really let me be more creative. I plan to further improve the videos that I make for this class because I felt that the script and the format of the video was not great.
9/11/2020 12:45:12 pm
I learned that all my videos need to have a theme in them.
Jason Y
9/11/2020 12:46:04 pm
In my opinion the biggest challenge in my video was me thinking that the video idea and execution was bad. Although it took abit of time looking for the materials needed, I still thought that the idea and concept was a bad and horrible idea everyone would find weird and stupid. But on a positive side I think I can do a better job if I didn't doubt and judge myself in my work.
9/11/2020 12:47:21 pm
Looking at my work, I find it to be not that good because I had to rush it and the final product didn't look that good. Next Project I want to produce something better than what I put out with this project.
9/11/2020 12:47:38 pm
I feel like I could of done better. It was my first time making a video and I realized it takes a lot of work to make sure everything is on point. Its just a matter of learning. It was hard for me at first because I don't like to talk in depth about myself so I had to change the theme of the video last minute.
Angie Telelyuev
9/11/2020 12:48:47 pm
This project wasn't as hard as I envisioned it would be. I think the hardest part was putting all the planning into the pre-production and brainstorming of the project. Once I got started on the video itself, ideas just came naturally and everything sort of fit together. My goal by the end of this semester is to be able to get more experience in the planning stages of production.
9/11/2020 12:50:05 pm
Overall I enjoyed creating the video because it was a good learning experience. In the future I hope to improve my video editing skills.
9/11/2020 12:51:33 pm
it was okay didn't really got stuck a lot
Robert Velazquez
9/11/2020 01:04:33 pm
I liked using Wevideo again because I haven´t used it in a while. It was difficult learning how the website operates but overall it was a fun experience. Next time I do this project I would want to add better edits.
9/11/2020 01:08:25 pm
My video went pretty well but my biggest challenge was figuring out the script for me to read to use my voice in the background, and how to go 'under the surface" with my main idea like in the iceberg assignments to explain the purpose behind my video
9/8/2021 08:53:02 am
Script's are hard to figure out especially when trying to dig deep into the topic you picked
9/11/2020 01:09:25 pm
So the project was good it was hard to edit all the stuff and put the clips in. I had to speak up over the sound to narrate.
Jason (Red) Bat Ireedui
9/11/2020 01:18:11 pm
i had some fun working on it. next time, i would also work on animation if i had time and the new computer
9/11/2020 01:47:55 pm
I had a lot of fun making my origin story video, but I wish that I had pictures for specific moment I had planned and couldn't do.
9/11/2020 01:49:03 pm
In the beginning of the project I got a little bit stuck on how I am supposed to work in a theme and motif in my video, but in the end I got some help and then had more understanding. It was a fun project to work on and I liked working in WeVideo again.
9/11/2020 01:51:32 pm
I had a good time making the video, and looking through my memories and putting pictures in my video. For my future videos I think I should put more music and visuals to make the video more interesting.
9/11/2020 01:51:41 pm
Looking at my work, I think overall it wasn't bad, but I could do better next time.
9/11/2020 01:54:07 pm
In the beginning it seemed like I couldn't come up with an idea for the video, but I got better at focusing my ideas towards one thing. Wevideo was pretty easy to navigate because I already had experience in it. for my own project I was proud of my editing. In general, I had a great time making the video.
Payton Penkal
9/11/2020 01:59:40 pm
Looking back, I enjoyed making the film. However, the hardest part for me was brainstorming because it took a while for me to come up with ideas I felt were good enough. In the end, I was happy with the finished product, I just hope that next time I do even better.
9/11/2020 02:01:38 pm
Overall I enjoyed making the WeVideo and I thought it was a lot of fun. I think that putting effort into the brainstorming really helped with putting the video together. I proud of the way that my video turned out. In the future I want to continue to improve and make my videos better.
9/11/2020 02:44:29 pm
Overall I enjoyed making the origin video. My goal was to make a good/decent video. I feel if I were to have put more effort into pre-production I would have done better. I also struggled with finding copyright free images on the internet. Overall I feel like I did okay for it only being my first video.
Valerie Acosta
9/11/2020 03:12:02 pm
Making my orgin story was joyful because through out this flim eventually becomes relized or noticed . need to be able in creative visions and stay within the budget. There are many pathways to becoming to make a flim into a story to came to life .
9/11/2020 03:29:03 pm
This was my first time using WeVideo and it was really fun. The part of my video that I struggled with the most was the narration. It wasn't the editing part the was tough, it was actually recording myself talk. I would practice it perfectly, hit the record button then jumble up all my words. I also don't like the way my voice sound so that didn't help either. In the future I would like to use my pre-production ideas more.
David Butayev
9/11/2020 11:48:21 pm
What I really enjoyed about the project was getting to draw and edit the video. Something I struggle with is recording myself especially since I am always thinking this doesn't look good, and I always nit pick at my work.
Christopher Walker
9/14/2020 01:02:02 pm
The whole project was fun, i know the things i need to work on in my next video now.
Biancka Rivera
9/15/2020 01:54:16 pm
Overall it was fun to make and the only problem I had was finding good music.
9/15/2020 02:01:37 pm
Overall it was very fun making the origin story because i had alot of fun with it and I had a great time and having fun.
Isaiah P
9/15/2020 05:17:39 pm
it was very fun at the end, but difficult to edit.
Emmanuel Nosov
9/16/2020 12:30:57 pm
I think that i did really good in my video, it was fun and easy
Brendon Harris-Williams
10/9/2020 12:47:24 pm
I liked editing together the video projects and adding the voice over on top. I am proud of the projects that I was able to complete. I think that I would like to explore the tools of wevideo some more. I plan to work on my editing skills to improve the quality of my videos.
10/11/2020 04:23:41 pm
My experience with creating my own Origin Story video project from Pre-Production wasn't very difficult. Once you already have your whole plan set up for the video it's just putting your idea into action. The Production and Then editing are the parts that take up the most time. Especially when your trying to make a professional looking video the editing can take longer than the reordering.
Laylonie Garcia
9/8/2021 08:47:45 am
I thought it was fun but i had a hard time finding the music and putting text for the pictures and videos.
9/8/2021 08:47:45 am
My personal experience with the project is that it was fun and very informative and I spent a good amount of time on it but enjoyed every second of it.
9/8/2021 08:52:29 am
My plan for future projects are to be much more focused and driven to complete it and to do it well.
Dustyn M
9/8/2021 08:48:41 am
This was fun to do and I think we could have done more with the video if we had more time. Overall it was a fun project. If I made a script it would have a lot easer
Roxy Medina
9/8/2021 08:48:53 am
This project was okay. I liked how we did the brainstorm in the very beginning, I think it helped a lot. Also I learned how to actually use stock footage, I've never used it before. For my next video I hope it's a little more organized and well thought out.
9/8/2021 08:49:14 am
It was relaxing to create something from nothing but thoughts and I'm very happy that i was allowed to do this as I always have loved making seemingly random thoughts into one cohesive line of thought.
9/8/2021 08:49:37 am
at first it was hard but I'm getting the hang of it. and I learned that all are videos have to have a theme.
9/8/2021 08:49:47 am
my experience was good but didn't get enough time to finish.
9/8/2021 08:49:55 am
Iliya Stavitskiy
9/8/2021 08:50:13 am
My video began off with a simple intro, since I didn't know what to do or say I decided to write a script. After writing the script it became much easier and I'm happy with myself for taking that decision. After doing a voice over adding the video's were simple since I already knew what I'm talking about. I think I did okay for a first video with not much resources.
Reagan Lorentzen
9/8/2021 08:50:19 am
Pre-Production was a little bit confusing. It felt like I was preparing too much for the video, when I really just had to write down a few ideas. The actual production was easier and it was fun because I had a lot of time to think about what I actually wanted to put in the video. I spent a lot of time thinking.
Teo McCall
9/8/2021 08:51:04 am
In the making of my video a goal I had was to dive deep into who I am. It was fairly easy to get done once I knew what I would make the video about. Some struggles I had in the process was the voiceover, it was the hardest because I needed to keep redoing it and it still ended up static-like in the end. Overall I'm proud of the video and want others to see it.
Ysabella Rodriguez
9/8/2021 08:51:28 am
I started by brainstorming the video so I knew what direction I wanted to go through. Once I started filming it was really hard to put the first clip after the intro. I had no idea what I should start with or what scene to put. Once I had the first couple of clips down it was easy. I really liked the brainstorming and I would definitely do that again. One thing I would like to do next time is more complex editing.
9/8/2021 08:51:43 am
This video was fun to make but there were some parts that were hard or I didn't like. The brainstorming was helpful but the planning and scripting wasn't as helpful. I think that next time I will brainstorm and plan/ organize as I go so I know what kind of will help me with the final product. The editing and collecting and gathering footage was the fun and easy part. Next time I will spend less time on planning and more on getting started with the actual video.
9/8/2021 08:51:53 am
all I really did was just think about what I did with my life
brodie N
9/8/2021 08:52:11 am
I think it was fun and it was nice expressing things about myself. Another thing is that it wasn't to hard but it wasn't really easy I think it was in between difficult and not difficult.
9/8/2021 08:52:43 am
It wasn't hard hard to do the video for me, it was harder to write the script. Editing the whole video took the longest. It took me longer to do all the music, and transitions, then finding videos and writing.
Devin Hawkins
9/8/2021 08:52:50 am
I thought the Orgin story project was very fun and easy editing, tansitions, and finding music. But the hard part was narrating the voice over I thought it would be easy but I was kinda off beat I had extra time and in some parts I had to talk really fast to keep up. So that definetly something I wanna improve on.
Laila H.
9/8/2021 08:53:46 am
I really liked making the video project. I thought it was interesting to be able to experience what the people we watch on YouTube, in movie/tv, etc. do every time they make a production. The process was definitely timey in terms of coming up with what make the video about. I really liked the editing portion where you fade the music, photos, and text. Overall, it was a fun experience and now I know how to make videos and productions. I think everyone should try it :)
marco alejo
9/8/2021 08:53:58 am
It was kinda hard and easy to start. It was pretty easy making the title with a video. Then it got harder when thinking about a introduction. It was pretty easy finding videos, backgrounds, and music. When I wrote down my ideas for the video it was pretty easy on what to write about. My goals for my next video is to get it done sooner and also to plan for ahead of time before changing things up.
Andrew Cortez
9/8/2021 08:54:20 am
In the beginning of the project I found it a bit difficult just brainstorming what I was going to make my origin story about. I only started making progress on my video when I got into WeVideo and seen what I was working with. I definitely think being in wevideo and seeing what stock footage they had was a big "ah-ha" moment. My goal for next time is to write a script and plan everything out better.
Natalie W.
9/8/2021 08:54:29 am
Pre-production was very helpful for me to find out my topic and write my script. Writing my script before production started was a good idea for me because I already knew the order and structure of what I was going to talk about. During production, it was hard at first to learn all of the tricks of editing, but in the end, it was an enjoyable process. Using my own pictures and videos made it more enjoyable and personal for me. In the end I am happy with the video I made. In the future I know it will be a smoother process because I've had practice in editing.
Venecio Siller-Cortez
9/8/2021 08:54:40 am
What is one thing I like in film is the editing because I can make thing's in class or at home and I can make different things in editing. My goals for the next couple of projects is that I can make something that people will like. One thing I want to do in film is to get better at editing.
Michelle Rodriguez Ramirez
9/8/2021 08:55:04 am
I began my origin story project by getting ideas from other students ,I saw how they made their projects and I wanted to make mine with those similarities .They all had explained their stories great .I did struggle a little with making the video because I've never really made a we video that I actually took serious .I do look forward to improving my work.
saidia zazai
9/8/2021 08:55:19 am
When I was editing my origin story I was too scared, I thought that I will never make it. But when I try it, it was very easy and fun. My video was good, but I didn't find the photos that I wanted to edit in my video.
9/8/2021 08:55:34 am
The Origin Story was a new experience for me that I'm happy I did. I struggled with some parts, like finding confidence to get my video going and at one point had to change my whole plan, but at the end it all was perfectly fine. I learned how to use WeVideo and found cool ways I could edit or make a project. In the future I hope I can make my video carry out a story in a style that suits me better.
Nathan Sanchez
9/8/2021 08:55:43 am
At first, it was a little confusing but I think everything was easy except the editing because you take your time trying to make it look professional. One thing I would like to do is just focus more on my editing so it gets easier for me.
Alex Ura
9/8/2021 11:19:02 am
I had fun making my origin story video. Every step was easy and I thought it was cool.
dylan guesnon
9/8/2021 11:19:10 am
the pre production process was not that hard it was just setting up an origin story which was just based on me.
Petr nikolaev
9/8/2021 11:20:08 am
When i was working on my origin project it was easy nothing hard i just winged it
9/8/2021 11:21:50 am
Planning what you want to say can be very challenging and was the main issue I needed to solve in order to complete my project but once you have a solid plan for what you want to do in your video anything is possible.
9/8/2021 11:21:59 am
During the process of making my video, it went really well. I didn't struggle with much besides timing everything out. I wanted all clips to be the exact same length. But since some of my videos were longer than others I had to accept the fact that it wasn't going to happen. Another thing I struggled with is my voice over. It was challenging for me to say things as I go because there was a lot of pressure. Then I wrote a script and I was happy with how my voice over came out. Overall, I am happy with my final product.
9/8/2021 11:22:33 am
When I first started my project I didn't really know what I was going to do it on so I just started adding random clips and finally came up with something. I tried to stick to my meson Sen as much as I could during the project. I feel like I could have done better but I am happy with what I made. I can't wait to make the next project.
Belania I.
9/8/2021 11:23:03 am
Creating my origin story was pretty difficult to me at first because I had no idea what to write about. The origin story brainstorm was a great way to get ideas. As soon as I got my idea in mind I wrote about it and from there the ideas just started to come in mind. Putting everything together was to the best part because it was using creativity more than anything.
Azzy mendez
9/8/2021 11:23:41 am
At the start of the project, it was hard to find inspiration, and motivation for what I wanted to do, but after watching some of my peers videos I knew what I wanted to do. Some moments that stressed me out was the editing process, it stressed me out because I didn't how I wanted my video to really be perceived. After some thought I was able to "see" that I wanted it to be more of an uplifting story for others, another part that stressed me out about the whole editing process was, how was I supposed to get old pictures and videos of me. At the end of the project I felt relieved that it was over and I felt happy that I was able to finish it and be happy with the end result.
Jesse j
9/8/2021 11:24:08 am
Creating my origin story was a new and fun process. The extra assignments like the brainstorming, and figuring out what my video was going to be about really helped me with my decision making. I noticed that did struggle a little bit when it came to making the actual video, but in the end I figured it out and made a great video. This project really helped me notice how the process of making a video isn't always easy, but will always be a fun process.
Santpreet Singh
9/8/2021 11:24:14 am
At first when I started I was confused about what topic I would talk about in my origin story. Then I thought about what thing I know most about and love the most. It was this idea which helped me easily and perfectly create an origin story and talk about it with no worry or anxiety at all.
Hunter Siters
9/8/2021 11:24:20 am
My WeVideo was not as well as I thought it out to be. I thought I could do alot better than how I did, because I thought this was gonna be easy. I dont think I did too well with the editing and the text, because some of it is off, and that can take some work to fix. I learned alot about editing, and how it isnt as easy as it looks, and it can take time, its something that you cant get done as fast. I think a good idea would be to write out my stratagy to make the video, and edit parts alot easier, as well as learn how to use the available recorces. I think for a first timer, I did a pretty ok job with editing on this new place. I wish that next time I do something like this, I will do alot better, and I will plan out my plan, write it down, and take my time to make it even better!
9/8/2021 11:24:31 am
My origin story, I enjoyed piecing together my script. I also enjoyed clipping video clips and photos together to play in sink with my music. I did not like recording my voice but I think it will come with time. In the future I am looking forward to doing more things like this and hopefully getting better.
Annicia Shaw
9/8/2021 11:24:39 am
I probably could've took a little more time with my spelling and editing. It was rushed and you can tell. It was difficult but I know if I was to pay attention and focus on what I was doing it would be soo much better.
Leala Moreau
9/8/2021 11:25:15 am
The Origin Story project really made me think in depth about myself and my talents. I didn't have anything to really to showcase, and it made me feel a bit pressured to have something amazing to show + pictures. However, the more I began to record and search through pictures of my talent I wanted to show, I felt really happy that I made it that far to actually feel proud of my work, even though it didn't come out that way. Overall, I was really happy how it came out. Though, I wish had more pictures/visuals to show in my WeVideo.
9/8/2021 11:25:15 am
I didn't do much on my project, just music, effects, and cuts to cars drifting. Its not the best but it's something, better than nothing.
Xavier Wong
9/8/2021 11:25:58 am
When I first started the project I didn't know what to do the video about and it took me a minute to figure out how to work the audio. The tools and once I asked my peers and started working on it I got a hold of it and it became easier. To the point where I felt like a pro and I started looking for audios and finishing my work overall it was a fun assignment to work on I had a good time working on it.
Diego Garcia
9/8/2021 11:27:26 am
When I first started off the project, it seemed like it was going to be a lot of work, and that I would not enjoy it, but over the course of creating, polishing, and finishing my film I've found out that I really enjoy making videos that closely resemble documentary's. I wanted to make my video about my specific career, but over the weekend I started to recognize how non-compatible it would have been. Instead I focused on the troubles of finding a career that lead me to find the perfect career. I had procrastinated which I envy doing but it has become pretty bad and I'm fixing that problem. I finished my film in 7 hours, I got home and worked from 4pm-11pm and managed to finish my project before it was due, I will never do that again. My film could have come out so much better if I just stayed on top of things. Don't get me wrong I love the way my film came out but I'm just saying it could have come out a lot better.
warren Richardson
9/8/2021 11:27:50 am
it was fun and it was also kind of weird mostly because I had to brainstorm a lot. Though it was still fun and there where a lot of new things I leaned about WeVideo.
9/8/2021 11:28:25 am
I never finished it but it was just about my origin story I had fun choosing backgrounds for my video and editing some parts of it.
Amari Robinson
9/8/2021 11:29:41 am
At first I was very confused with how the whole editing thing worked but now I kind of understand it more. I haven't finished my origin story yet because I've never really thought too much about what I'm making my origin story about so I don't really know what to put. It's also kind of hard explaining things in text because I'm not too good at putting my thinking into words. Overall I think that the origin story project is going good I just wish I had thought about it more so I knew what to make it about and what to put in it.
Anika R
9/8/2021 11:30:03 am
I think that it was fun, it just took me a lot of time to get started and focused.
Ladel Remoket
9/8/2021 11:30:39 am
At first I was very confused on how to make my video. I couldn't choose a topic on what to talk about. I finally chose something and started writing my script. That was very easy and so was the editing part. The hardest part was the voiceover for me. I kept reading my script wrong and kept stuttering. Eventually after an hour of talking to my microphone I finally did a decent voiceover. But the video was very fun to make!
Evan Anaya
9/8/2021 11:55:50 am
Starting the origin story project, I was a little annoyed at first. I didn't know what to do, and it felt like it was becoming too much. But as I was doing the brainstorming, I realized something: It was actually starting to become a little fun. It gave me a chance to show others a side of myself that I don't usually express in person. So, I decided to write about how love has changed me. Whether it was me spending time with the woman that I truly love and admire, or friends that I hold dear to me, all of them are the reason that I was able to change for the better. I wanted to uplift others with my journey: the healing process. The point was to influence others to go through their own journey to cope with their possible anxiety and depression, because almost everyone has these insecurities that they do not want to face because they're scared. I wish to be that strength to push them towards the right direction, and to possibly make them smile. So what is my theme? Do whatever makes you the happiest. That's all that matters.
9/13/2021 12:47:54 pm
Starting the origin story project, I was a little annoyed at first. I didn't know what to do, and it felt like it was becoming too much. But as I was doing the brainstorming, I realized something: It was actually starting to become a little fun. It gave me a chance to show others a side of myself that I don't usually express in person. So, I decided to write about how love has changed me. Whether it was me spending time with the woman that I truly love and admire, or friends that I hold dear to me, all of them are the reason that I was able to change for the better. I wanted to uplift others with my journey: the healing process. The point was to influence others to go through their own journey to cope with their possible anxiety and depression, because almost everyone has these insecurities that they do not want to face because they're scared. I wish to be that strength to push them towards the right direction, and to possibly make them smile. So what is my theme? Do whatever makes you the happiest. That's all that matters.
Kimberly Patlan
9/17/2021 09:58:37 am
I procrastinated a lot when it came to creating my origin story video and production. I was very lost on what I wanted to film and how, eventually I figured it out and even though it was last minute, I enjoyed how my video turned out. I struggled with editing since It was my first time for everything to editing, doing a voice over, adding text and video. I got the hang of it and did very good for my first time. Moving forward I know not to leave things to the last minute and be more creative and productive in my later on projects.
Christoper f.
9/15/2022 08:49:55 am
So editing was okay, But I enjoyed putting gifs for my decoration. Though I guess I could work on my grammar and spelling, I know I'm not the best but hey " If every porkchop was perfect there would be no hot dog" ;). But I think I didn't like preproduction that much if I'm being honest, it was kinda boring. Though over all I enjoyed just making a video.
9/15/2022 08:52:38 am
I'd say my project was a success it was deep and defined and i think original to me and it was my first time doing something like that i liked it i would love to do other
9/15/2022 08:53:11 am
I feel like my project could've gone smoother and I also feel like I can still add more because it was overall a very rushed project because I did catch covid while the project was supposed to be worked on and I feel like if I took my time more instead of getting it in on time it would've been better. But overall I've really enjoyed this project overall and I would like to do something similar to this in the future and id probably like to retake this class next year.
9/15/2022 08:54:50 am
This was first time editing and creating my own video, I felt very comfortable learning how it works and what to do and what not to do. It was a really fun time using we video. other than one typo that I had everything was easy. next time I make a video I think I'll add a recording of my voice to add something more.
Alexander S
9/15/2022 08:55:43 am
When I started I was behind because I was sick the week before so I started it late so it was hard to figure out what to do until I understood what to do. Then on the brainstorming I couldn't figure out what to do my video on so it took a while before I got that done. Next, when I got the idea the pre-production I didn't really understand for a while so it took even longer. Also, when I got to the making and editing of the video it took a while to start it cause I had no idea how to start it. Finally, I know I need to stop procrastinating on these things but its hard and I also need to be more creative when doing these things but that's also hard but, ill try my best.
Tanner Mayberry
9/15/2022 08:56:07 am
In my Origin Story video, I took a lot of time to think on what to put as my pictures and my text. At first, I thought it was going to be very boring and I wouldn't care about it but then I started working on it and then I was thinking to myself and thinking how fun it was to make and talk about your life and what I like most. Once I finished, I was very happy because it took a lot of thinking and focus but in the end, I thought it turned out pretty good. Overall, the origin story project was really fun and relaxing.
Xzavier B
9/15/2022 08:56:30 am
I procrastinated a lot when I first started brain storming I didn't really know what I was going for but once I started putting personal pictures on we video. and i was with all my teammates and it helped to let me understand how important it is to have a good time with ur bruthas
Sergio Ascencio
9/15/2022 08:58:14 am
Well its fun to choose what to do your project about like music which was my topic. It was cool to edit my project and put what I wanted but the harder part was the voice over because I kept on thinking of new things to say or forgetting what I wanted to say and it turned into a mess because of the script. This project is fun but I need to finish it.
9/15/2022 08:58:26 am
Joseph Itzko
9/15/2022 08:58:26 am
Id would think that my origin story project was a rather success. This was my first time doing a legit video, and I used a lot of stock images, and videos, and not a lot of home videos, although I enjoy how my origin story turned out. Moving forward, im going to try to make more videos of my own, instead of only stock.
Dalyla A
9/15/2022 08:59:25 am
When I started the origin story I didn't really know what I wanted it to be about, I had too many ideas on what to base it on. I finally picked an idea but I wasn't really sure I wanted to do it, but I did it anyway. When I first started making the brainstorm for my video and script for it, I had trouble with the script because I didn't want to get too deep into my subject I was doing and I didn't want to sound weird or something like that. I finally got a script that I liked and started making the video. The video making wasn't hard I just was confused on some bits of it, like in the future I would like to rotate photos so they do not look weird. I had some trouble with the music because I thought it sounded weird but it was fine in the end. What I found successful was my voice over, at first I was nervous about it but it sounded pretty good and clear. I also liked how the videos I put in came out. There is definitely things I need to learn about making videos but I think mine came out pretty good for a first big project.
9/15/2022 08:59:37 am
I was satisfied with my final product, I think I did good for my first project like this. It was a new experience, and there were some issues. For example, I was out for a week prior and didn't get any information on WeVideo, but I think I was able to manage. I hope that next time I will be able to write a clearer ending for my script, I felt unsatisfied with the script's current ending.
9/15/2022 09:00:10 am
When I started my origin story I was really confused and wasn't sure what to do or was thinking maybe I should change my video topic. I was struggling and didn't know if I could do it but once I asked my questions to understand it more it wasn't as hard. I think as long as you have a script and good idea that you like it's a really fun project.
Alexis B
9/15/2022 09:01:04 am
I feel like I did a good job as it is my first time making a longer video on WeVideo. I realized how many parts there is to make everything flow and look good and how much time and effort you have to put into it. I had some trouble brainstorming ideas on what to talk about which got me a little behind but I feel like in the end it'll be a great video and I had fun in the process of making it as well.
9/15/2022 09:01:31 am
9/15/2022 09:02:30 am
My goal is to get better at the little things and make sure the reader can understand the little things in my videos. The challenges were getting the and worrying I wouldn't get it turned in time and won't be able to edit the way I wanted too. My future ideas would be making it look more detailed and more longer. I would try fixing my text in my origin story and fixing the audio and try fixing my spelling there. I would want to improve my videos like making them more interesting and more fun to read. From now on I would try to learn more things and try to make my video better.
9/15/2022 09:03:29 am
My experience creating my Origin Story video project was actually pretty easy. At first I was lost on what I wanted to do, then after thinking a little I finally figured out what I wanted to. After I had the idea of what I wanted to do my Origin Story on I started tp write my script about what I want to do, it was all over the place but when I got further into creating my Origin Story it started to get fun.
9/15/2022 09:04:09 am
Reflect your your experience creating your Origin Story video project from Pre-Production, to Production, to wrapping up Post. Provide examples of struggles, ah-has!, and big take-aways as well as a goal or two moving forward!
Jimmy Correa
9/15/2022 09:04:29 am
I didn't finish it yet but I want to say is that its hard to find what I want to talk about but hopefully its good enough
Dominik Hernandez
9/15/2022 09:11:35 am
I was given like 2 weeks to do it and I completed it in one night, it really wasn't hard at all. The only hard part about this assignment was most likely the script, that's it.
Guillermo Urena
9/15/2022 09:14:04 am
Creating my origin story and brainstorming it was the easiest part. I had just had my favorite food that my mom makes the day before and it came to my mind. I realized that dish had been with me most of my life and it had still been my favorite. The production part is the part I am still stuck on. I am trying to finish it but I keep procrastinating. I am going to try to finish it today and I am going to stop procrastinating.
Jaiden Rios
9/15/2022 12:08:59 pm
I enjoyed this project and the process of it pretty much through it all. I struggled most with text and finding the right images. I would rate this project experience a 8/10, I could improve on dialogue and bigger clearer text. I liked importing my personal video clips and editing little by little through out the whole project.
Dylan F
9/15/2022 12:09:30 pm
Editing and creating the Origin Story was the easiest part for me but after watching the final product I had created, I seem to struggle with making a clear ending and call to action
Stassi Saris
9/15/2022 12:10:20 pm
Creating my origin story was actually not hard for me at all. I did it about something that I actually like doing so it was pretty easy to make. They hardest part was probably writing the script but the making the video was easy. I hope I can work this good on my next projects or assignments.
9/15/2022 12:10:29 pm
My experience with this whole thing was really nice. Filming it and getting the idea for it were the easiest parts. I think that it was a really great way for me to be able to learn how to film, write a script, and edit. I think that out of the three categories, Production was the easiest because I had fun with it.
Sunnie F.
9/15/2022 12:11:26 pm
My favorite part was the editing and adding my own pictures and stuff to it. The production part was also very fun, me getting to add whatever I wanted and not having to go along with somebody's rule, me just being able to be myself with these videos are my favorite. My least favorite was the finishing it by adding a video of me talking at the end, I hated every second of it and ended up procrastinating until the last minute.
Mateo F.
9/15/2022 12:12:03 pm
Though the process was difficult, it was still fun at times. Like being able to choose stock footage, written narrative, and using audio that isn't my own instead of having to record everything myself.
9/15/2022 12:12:11 pm
I found t hard to start, what to write, what to say, what to do, but as I kept trying it got easier and I'm really happy with what I turned in. I could have done better whit audio quality but I used what I was given. overall really happy with my video.
9/15/2022 12:12:26 pm
I didn't do it
Noah F
9/15/2022 12:12:26 pm
Creating this project was difficult for me only because I had a lot of ideas and I couldn't decide what to choose. I also struggled uploading a video from my phone to "we video". I'm having fun making it though.
9/15/2022 12:13:49 pm
Making and creating my origin story was very easy. I had made it about how much I like video games and that there is more to video games than people think. I finished in one day which was great because I could've had time to make any changes if I needed to.
9/15/2022 12:14:11 pm
The story I used was brainstormed by my group but I really enjoyed editing the video adding my own thoughts into it. I had a part where we had to slam the sandwich in the dustbin and when I was editing I new right away that I will add a explosion footage right after the sandwich enters the dustbin. So overall it was fun editing this project. I had a good takeaway from this project, I learned how to use we video which I can later use in my other projects.
9/15/2022 12:15:52 pm
My experience with the whole origin story was nice because I actually had fun while making it because I get to show others what I truly am about and I really enjoyed that.Also, it showed me lots of different ways I can make a script and edit.I think out of all 3 categories the editing was the easiest
9/15/2022 12:16:24 pm
9/15/2022 12:16:32 pm
This project was really easy and fun to make. It was also very cool to learn how to edit videos. It took me a long time to figure out what sound I wanted to use because I didnt know exactly what I wanted. But I am happy with how my video came out.
Timothy/ Christian Duran
9/15/2022 12:18:48 pm
Creating my origin story was bit of a struggle because I had to do a lot of retakes due to my performance of playing catch with my little brother and the way I was introducing myself in the beginning and rapping it up at the end. Ill say that the brainstorming was the most easiest to do because all I had to do was think of the feelings deep down of baseball. The only struggles was getting perfect wether and timing during the day because i wouldn't get home till 8 due to practice. And I feel like it would have been a lot easier if I would have just started on it when it was assigned instead of procrasinating the assignment and doing it fast instead of taking my time on it and not pushing it away.
Jack Sands
9/15/2022 12:21:42 pm
When I was making my origin story, I started with a general idea for what it would be about, and from there I added more until I was a full short story. When I was doing the editing I first made the ending and then started from the beginning so I knew what my story was building up to, then I added some nice music and I was done.
Angelo Segura
9/15/2022 12:22:28 pm
It was very awkward hearing my voice also it just felt uninteresting talking about myself but in the future i think ill be able to do better.
Conrad Ramos
9/15/2022 12:24:45 pm
I finished it on time but I should have put more care and time for polishing and making final touches
Angel C.
9/15/2022 12:27:30 pm
Starting off I had no idea what to make the video about, so for the first day i was just thinking about what I could do. Then my mom gave me the idea of making my origin story about Nascar, I was unsure at first, but when i had started the script I was certain this was it. Main struggles were with not messing up during narration, and getting video. one day it was 115, and the power had just returned I had only so much time to get to work on it. now when I narrate I have to turn off my desk fan because it messes up the audio, and my ceiling fan is broken, so I have to get it right and then turn it back on so I don't cook. I had 7 takes that day. now with video, I had no idea how to get video I tried multiple screen recording things on my computer and a whole day later I realized I could simply record my screen on my phone. but the struggle was not done yet I didn't know how to get video from my phone to my computer, I tried plugging my phone in and that was complicated, and then I found I could just upload it to google drive by some sharing thing (again already in the phone). otherwise everything went smoothly.
9/15/2022 12:28:31 pm
Christopher C
9/15/2022 12:29:22 pm
By the time I type this post, I haven't actually finished my video, but from I've done so far, I can say that I did not like the Pre-Production part. The topic of the video is myself, and I struggle to figure out what's even interesting in my life to even warrant an entire video about it. Pre-Production ended up taking way longer than it should have, which ended up giving me less time to work on the video. The editing isn't finished, but I have confidence that I can finish it with skills alone. I chose this class because I wanted to learn and improve my video editing skills, as I am interested in editing while also having editing skills from prior experiences. But the fact that I didn't enjoy the topic makes me think that it wouldn't be a video I'm proud of. I want to be passionate or interested in the video I'm making, that's when I can give the video my best effort. This is kind of the reason why I avoid taking these kind of creative classes, I want to learn the skills but I'm not interested in my work. I feel as if time management is something I need to work on, but I don't know what I could do to force myself to like a topic or care about it. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about that.
9/15/2022 12:29:46 pm
I did not like the idea I chose for my origin story that much. But what I did enjoy was editing the video. I realized that I should spend more time thinking about what I want to make videos about and execute my ideas better. All in all I think it's an alright assignment.
Marykate B.
9/15/2022 12:35:16 pm
My experience in creating my Origin Story video wasn't really that hard. I think it was easy to create a script about the things I like, but the most difficult part of the assignment for me was finishing the project. I was procrastinating a lot during the whole process, so I think my goal next time is to do my video on time.
9/15/2022 08:17:08 pm
My project was pretty easy the main challenge was definitely procrasinating.
9/15/2022 10:28:13 pm
I think the project was pretty easy because I used just stock photos and music from wevideo, which was pretty easy. I feel like the audio was probably the weirdest part, just because there was some glitchy parts.
9/16/2022 09:15:23 am
This project was fun for me, and it was pretty easy because I edit movie clips and characters to music on my phone too, so I knew most of the basics on video production. I haven't made anything this long though, so I struggled a little bit with coming up with what to add.
9/16/2022 09:25:56 am
it was difficult while brainstorming, i figured it out after a while.. could do better next time
9/16/2022 12:31:04 pm
i didnt finish it
angel bermudez
9/16/2022 02:18:21 pm
It was cool.
Antonio D'Antonoli
9/18/2022 12:24:35 am
Pre-production was the easiest part for me, it was actually making the video that was difficult. I did find making the script slightly difficult too. What I chose to do my video on was something that my feelings changed on during production, which slowed all of my progress. I realized what I wanted to do and how to get around the block far too late for me to accomplish my goal with the video. I will spend more time on scheduling and planning.
9/18/2022 10:51:14 pm
I enjoyed the pre-production part because it was fun to plan how the video was going to be but the hardest parts were coming up with a script, trying to put all of my ideas into the video, and finishing my video on time.
9/15/2023 08:46:28 am
Something that I liked about Pre-production is that is was fun and pretty easy to do the videos. The hardest thing about it was figuring out what I wanted to have in my video to make it funny and easy.
9/15/2023 08:47:53 am
I thought this project was quite positive, since it let you focus on your own subject but summarized. The production was easy in my opinion. Hopefully reception to my project will be better than I interpreted.
9/15/2023 08:48:23 am
I enjoyed getting all the clips from different movies and some clips of my own gameplay but it was a struggle getting all the music and making it go with the clips on screen, but overall it was pretty fun.
Matheus Marques
9/15/2023 08:48:32 am
At first I thought it would be challenging but after I learned how to upload pictures and learned how to edit it became kind of fun so I enjoyed some parts. My least favorite had to be recording my voice over, and my favorite part would have to be uploading things from my phone. But video production is fun when editing because of how much creativity you have during editing.
9/15/2023 08:48:49 am
I didn't finish
shafiq quraishi
9/15/2023 08:48:55 am
the project was fun, I liked how we did the iceberg because it really did give an idea on what we are working on.
Brianna S.
9/15/2023 08:49:10 am
It was a pretty chill project fir me. I didnt really know what I wanted to talk about at first, but ater pre production it was like really clear where I wanted to take this. It was hard writing the script, but once I opened up WeVideo, I just started writing, and I think it came out pretty good. Finding footage was hard, I kmnew i had pictures and videos that I wanted to use, but I just couldnt find them. Overall though, it was pretty straightforward for me, and I really enjoyed this project
9/15/2023 08:49:31 am
at first I really didn't understand what i was doing but when I was doing pre-productions it started to help me understand and get into the work much better. When i was doing production I didn't know how I wanted to start of my film but after I had go the intro out the I start to find pictures sounds and recorded a video of myself to get the possesses moving along and at the end I was proud of the work I had done even though I was clowning myself for a good minute.
9/15/2023 08:49:39 am
The pre-production was definitely the easiest but also most complicating part. It was difficult to chose just one aspect of my life to focus on for a whole project but after that it was relatively easy. The actual production was where I struggled the most because my abilities were limited on the school computers due to the restrictions, so as such most of the work had to be done at home. And since my time management was not exactly great, I was left with a deadline the next day and a mostly un edited video. However I did persevere and create something I'm mostly happy with. However as always there are aspects that I'm a little hyper critical about and found I did poorly on. All in all it was a fun project, and I would be happy to do more in the future.
Eddie G
9/15/2023 08:49:48 am
I liked finding the old videos and pictures which gave me memories from the start of my journey. The ending was my favorite part of my film because the visual effects was cool plus the transitions and music. I spent a good couple hours on it and I think it was worth it for sure.
Bennett kubish
9/15/2023 08:49:57 am
Starting the pre production I had no clue what I was doing and I didn't understand the point of the assignment but when I was putting it all together it made sense and everything flowed very naturally. A struggle I had was finding what I wanted to write about and how I was going to put it together but once I had it planned out it was very easy.
Vika K
9/15/2023 08:50:02 am
I had a hard time choosing how and what I wanted to make mine about, the script especially got me stuck. I pushed it back all the way to the very end and just spent a lot of time thinking because I find it difficult to talk about myself like that.
Vika S
9/15/2023 08:50:08 am
For my Origin story video I had an okay time making and editing this video. A lot of the times in class there was really slow wifi in class and it was difficult to upload photos. But I managed to have time to work and finish the video at home. I kind of had a hard time editing on wevideo because I haven't used it in a while and didn't know how to use many options on wevideo. But I got the video done and turn in in with satisfaction.
Dyana Paz
9/15/2023 08:50:15 am
I haven't finished my my Origin Story.
Cameron Arcona
9/15/2023 08:50:23 am
Making the video was fun. Im glad I could use my own creativity to create my video. Im happy the topic was our choosing. Im most happy with the ending. It was fun brainstorming the ideas and gathering the pictures and videos. I loved editing eveything and making it one.
hector alvaro
9/15/2023 08:50:31 am
making my video was good I talked a lot about how football was my dream and how I wanted to make it. Also coming up with ideas was a little hard but I just used the thing I was already doing which was football and it was a obvious choice but I tried to be creative with it.
9/15/2023 08:50:45 am
Making my origin story project was a bit difficult in the beginning because I wasn't used to using We-Video and some of the things were hard to navigate. I had trouble during the creative process because I couldn't come up with an idea on the spot that I wanted to do for my project, but eventually I figured it out. I had trouble getting things into my google drive and uploading things in general but I found out how to do it eventually and in time for my project to be summited. This project was very fun and made me go outside of my comfort zone, and I would want to do it again.
9/15/2023 08:51:02 am
My experience with creating my own Origin Story video project wasn't very difficult. I think the only problem I had was finding videos and photos. It took a while to find some photos and videos then it wouldn't download sometimes or it would have to take 50 minutes for one video. I think the brainstorming was a little hard, I'm not very good at brainstorming sometimes so it took a while for me.
Saveena G
9/15/2023 08:51:15 am
I enjoyed the actual recording part because I was able to tell the audience what I felt and got to explain my story. But I didn't like doing the editing only because it was very confusing and since this is really my first real project it was a bit confusing and did take me a good 2 hours to do which is a bit for all at once but I got a hang of it.
Dalyla S
9/15/2023 08:52:14 am
I had a hard time with my script for the voiceover. I wasn't sure how to phrase my thoughts, but after I figured it out the whole project was easier. I had fun editing and finding stock images. I found background audio that fit with my video very well. I'm pretty happy with the end result, but something I would change or take away is to make the audio smoother. I think there are weird points where its too loud and its hard to hear me.
liliana r
9/15/2023 08:52:42 am
For my video I didn't know what I wanted to do. I didn't have anything in my life that was interesting enough to make the video about. I ended up doing the story very late because I didn't know what to do it on. Sense I did the video late it didn't turn out as good as I wanted it to. I did end up having a lot of fun making and editing the video
Rylan Bauer
9/15/2023 08:53:25 am
My experience creating my Origin Story video project was overall fantastic. When it comes to the preproduction it was fun planning out the structure taking place in the video although it was a struggle at times to give an in depth and detailed description of every scene. Production was easier to me than pre production because I had set the framework already so all I had to do was follow the steps of the script. Post production was the hardest part for me because getting transitions and cuts flawless took a lot of time but it was very rewarding when the whole video eventually came together. My goals for the future are to develop even better videos and do them more efficiently.
9/15/2023 08:54:07 am
I had a fun time making the video. I procrastinated a lot though but i feel like if i took more time in making the video my grade on it would have been better. i wish i had found some better pictures and videos for it but i think it was pretty good.
Alina Expinoza
9/15/2023 08:55:16 am
My experience's with creating my own origin story is it was very challenging with my story line because I didn't have any footage of me to actually put in there so it was all stock footage and it didn't feel to personal besides the voice over. The voiceover was challenging because I kept on messing up when it came to speaking because I tend to write stuff down but change it when reading it so that was hard. I enjoyed the story that I shared and the stock pictures went good with the story. My pre-production was hard to start on because I wasn't here the first 2 days they started so it was hard to understand and catch up then the day I did come back we had a sub so it was very hard finding putting my story in my preproduction but once I got it everything kind of fell into place and it flowed good. Overall I'm proud for how the video came out for it being my first time making a video and editing a video.
9/15/2023 08:57:24 am
It was difficult brainstorming to see what I wanted to talk about at first. But I got it after a while and it was easy. It wasn't hard after I really thought about what I wanted to talk about. I enjoyed editing my video and uploading pictures and audio.
Alexander T
9/15/2023 09:06:38 am
I did a all-nighter doing my project thinking it will be easy and fast. I worked on a script for a week but after looking over my script it was trash. I planed to do a interview with another person who would ask me questions with different angles but I was wrong in thinking about that because my friend was not ready. In the end I went with a interview with me playing both charterers and changed my script to free flow and not pre-planed like I prepared a hole week. My topic was a hard topic to discuss and go into more detail so I decided to change the topic that I can talk about my life and the other topic that both clashed into one. I recorded all my footage in time but I did not put the time to upload the videos and edit them into consideration. I learned a lot about video editing within the 4 hours I edited my video like looking thru my footage of failed clips and looking for the good take out of the many takes. the other part of this that I learned was to have better lighting and placement of the camera because looking at the footage I hade I was like dang that is really me best shot? So in conclusion If you are reading this anybody just do this project a week early so you don't have to worry about pulling a all-nighter like I did.
Andru Chavez
9/15/2023 10:25:05 am
I had a fun time doing my video, granted I only took 40 minutes for me and I wish I had better editing equipment but it was fun none the less
Yevgeniy Avdeyev
9/15/2023 10:25:31 am
It was hard to think of a general idea. Something original is hard to come up with. The rest of it was easy, putting together clips isn't that hard.
Mia C
9/15/2023 10:25:40 am
i knew exactly what I wanted my project to be about when i started it. I write down my script and knew exactly what I wanted to do and prent. The only issue was I had a veryy busy weekend and went to a party, so when it was over I had to come home and record. I struggled fitting a voice over my video because I never liked how my voice sounded when I recorded it. I sounded monotone. Like a robot. Once i finally sat down and recorded it all, it was fairly easy to put together and Im happy i finished it.
Gurpreet Sidhu
9/15/2023 10:25:58 am
It was hard at first because i could not think of anything. But after awhile i figured out what i wanted to write about and it was pretty easy after that. But choosing the scenes and music was hard because i wanted it to be perfect. It didnt really take me that long witch was suprising i think its because i did it at home and since i finished fast i had a lot of freetime.
samuel s
9/15/2023 10:26:10 am
it was kinda hard because i didnt really know how to edit but i figured it out and got decent at it
Danil V
9/15/2023 10:26:34 am
I didn't save my first video, so my final product was rushed, the first video I spent roughly 7-9 hours on the video and my final video I spent 2ish hours on and it was noticeable. Since I didn't balance out the audio correctly, the music I had in the background overlapped my audio of me speaking and it ruined half of the video, it was still a fun project, it just sucks I didn't save my first video.
Caden Mendoza
9/15/2023 10:27:13 am
I learned throughout my production that the editing takes a long time and a lot of work. I found it was difficult to brainstorm ideas and make the script long enough to be at least a minute and a half. Although, I did enjoy the editing an uploading my pictures and videos. Overall, making the video was harder than I thought it would be because it was time consuming and hard to think of ideas.
Gurpreet S
9/15/2023 10:27:20 am
also 2 goals i have is to make my project longer and make it more detailed with a voice over and stuff.
Dominick Easlon
9/15/2023 10:27:55 am
Doing my video was pretty easy, not much work was needed to be done yet I think that it's kind of bland as I did a small recording and had a short video, however I think that it fits with was I was going for in the boring aspect but also it's just not very eye catching, so it's not bad I just think I could have done more to make it look better.
Joseph H.
9/15/2023 10:28:24 am
I made the mistake of putting all the work off until the literal last day to turn in late work. I ended up working on the origin story from around 11pm - 2 am. However it did end up coming out really amazing. The difficult part of the project was coming up with words last minute to really sympathize with the audience. but overall I did enjoy working on it and I'm feeling even better in my editing skills.
9/15/2023 10:28:31 am
I thought it would be easy, but that was not the case. I wrote my script and it thought it was good but it wasn't so I had to change it a bit and I did my voiceover and it took me forever because I kept messing up by laughing or mispronouncing the words. When I finished the voice over I put in we video and I had to do subtitle which took forever and once I did that I had to find clips for my origin story. Once I finished I was relived. It was harder than I thought.
alexis e
9/15/2023 10:28:50 am
To start this project I was really confused on what I wanted to write about. I knew from the beginning I wanted to use real life footage and not just like stock footage that was not me. I decided that you can see my growth and there is lots of videos of me playing volleyball. It took me two days to get all my footage to my drive and to load because of the Wifi. Then I organized it in chronological order. Once all my clips were organized I did a voice over which took 5 different tries, then I got my final production. In total it took me a week.
Kanin M.
9/15/2023 10:29:06 am
When I was making my pre-production script, I thought to myself that it didn't really seem like it would be fit for the assignment, and that I got off track and started rambling on and on, but I decided to go with it anyways. When I started making my video, I was trying to decide when to do my voice over, how many edits were to much, and how many were to little. I had a hard time figuring out how to match my voice to the video, and if I could redo it, I would've put more oomph into my voice, since it wasn't feeling well that day. I would've also done some voice warm-ups to ready my voice up since I sounded like the guy who says "Burger king foot lettuce". Some aha! moments I had was when I was trying to find a song/music for my video, when I came across one that almost lined up with the cuts and edits perfectly. I also added some things that weren't in my script into the video, like the endings, last second, so I had to improvise on the spot. Some big takeaways were that I need to get a better microphone, and that I should make the voice-over before the video so that I can edit and cut the video to match my voice.
Ariya S
9/15/2023 10:29:16 am
I felt like i was working forever on my orgin story video because it took forever to edit everything. It took time making a script but it wasn't enough info, so i had to dig deeper into my thoughts to find more things to add to my script so it would be enough. I did have trouble thinking of ideas to use and it took a while till something really clicked and i was able to use it. But in the end i got it done and im proud of all the hard work i put into it and i really enjoyed making it and i think i did a great job on it for my first orgin story video project.
Joanna Dyer
9/15/2023 10:29:59 am
So basically I Took a whole week on my project because of me forgetting about it and ended up turning it in late and I felt fine with that because I knew I would be able to turn it in by Thursday the only thing I was scared about was am I gonna edit this in time and make it look presentable in a hour because Wednesday is a mini day so I got my act together, put it all together and in 20 minutes I made the best video that I ever made and that's how I know I'm finna do good in this class because aint no way I pulled that off and I'm actually proud of myself and glad I kept all those videos of my pet cat or I would have been done for but yep I think I did really good in all honesty.
9/15/2023 10:30:31 am
when i first stared the bran storm i had i had no idea what i was going to do i was just writing stuff but then i relies that i can do something that i love to do and how i got to that point and how i was feeling and how i overcame that stuff that was hared for me and i grow from that it and once i got my idea i new what the video was going to be the hardest part was just the brainstorming but once that was done it was essay
Ria D
9/15/2023 10:30:43 am
For my origin story, I wasn't sure what to make it about. I didn't think my life was that interesting. I don't play sports or have any hobbies which is why it took me a while coming up with an idea. I usually make up stories about fictional things and not about myself. Once I found an idea I wanted to do, it was fun adding text and music. I enjoyed making the video personal to me and unique.
Clasten V
9/15/2023 10:31:03 am
When I started doing this video it was hard t find the things to put into the video to match what I was saying but I managed and it worked out because of how quick thinking I was and how it was simple things I added to bring it all together I had struggled to start the audio in the beginning bc of noise issue's and thus I needed to do it at school which was a little more troublesome because I had to wait till I got home to send it to my drive then I had to wait till I got to school to start editing it. But after I finished editing I over looked it and it turned out to be better then I thought out for it to be and so I determined the project official and I finally had finished it in under 2 days.
Abdullah Nasrati
9/15/2023 10:31:39 am
I had fun making the video because in the video l had to edit. l like editing so much because you have to look for pictures audios and a lot more. l have to do it because am in a class that am going to edit in assignments and a lot more. So l have to get used to it and it's fun l had fun editing my video talking and a lot more.
Chris R
9/15/2023 10:31:53 am
In my experiences with my origin story was fairly easy. For the most part it was simple but the struggles I had were coming up with what kind of story I wanted to make and how I would fit in certain clips. I started to put clips together the day before and when I woke up the next day I just recorded my voice line. But besides that everything was easy enough and it worked out just fine.
Nick M
9/15/2023 10:32:26 am
In creation of the Origin Story was fun. The Pre-Production was mostly difficult do to trying to find all the needed information. When I was working on one of the ideas, I had then a better idea that came to mind. Started all over with the better idea, happened multiple times until I committed to one. The editing wasn't to bad it was one of the easiest things to do. The take away is not to over due the video with to many images at once.
Tim R
9/15/2023 10:33:08 am
In my experience the origin story video project was pretty easy. At first I was kind of slacking but when I really just sat down and worked on it, it was pretty simple. I just got some clips of copy right footage and matched it to what I was talking about. The part that I probably struggled with the most was finding the videos, yes wevideo has a lot of footage but there where somethings that I couldn't find but all I did was look it up on the internet and put it into wevideo. My biggest take away is the keep searching and just to focus in and get things done. My goal for next time is to make subtitles and more imaging to my video.
Dan W
9/15/2023 10:33:31 am
The Pre-production was over all good for me. It wasn't hard to find out what I was going to do for my project the only problem was that I didn't have any footage to put in so I had to find things like stock footage for the whole thing as It wasn't hard to do so it was hard to find the one that would fit in. One thing I take away is that I learned many things like using green screens or how to transition things but I would still like to Work more on editing part in as I didn't do much but put things in a added sound with some effects. My goal is to work better on the inside of editing like putting more clips into one frame. The production in all was good as I took away many things from it but in the future I want to be able to do more in a editing session. In all it took 2 days to finish it up which wasn't bad because I tough it would take long but the final product was all good for me.
9/15/2023 10:33:51 am
My experience with making my video was fun and at times really challenging. I was able to find the right music to make it sound good and I was able to edit all the clips to hopefully fit the part when I was talking about that certain thing/ image or clip that I was talking about. Some of the main things that I struggled with or I got stuck with was finding because I don't have any clips of me playing volleyball, and there aren't many clips online for free of people playing volleyball. but I eventually found some clips and images of people playing volleyball. Then I threw it all together and put some music in there and it was not my best but it was good with everything had, in my opinion
Ariel A.
9/15/2023 10:34:45 am
Making my origin story, I knew from the beginning that I wanted to make it more personal. I also wanted to make it beautiful, so I spent hours finding music that I wanted specifically for each part and stalk footage that looked cohesive. I spent the whole weekend before it was due "perfecting" my video. Half way through editing I decided I hated the voice over so I did it again, then when I laid it over the music it was to quiet, so I spent a lot of time adjusting audio levels. That weekend I also filmed the tree that I really wanted, when I got the footage back I was so happy with it and that made the last bit of editing easier! Overall, I had a lot of fun on this project and I really liked being able to choose what my what my story to looked like.
9/15/2023 10:35:33 am
When I started on the brainstorm I had no Idea what to do and at first I thought of doing a day in the life but I realized I would have to record myself all day and I could only do it on the weekends. So then I deleted everything I had and restarted I came up with another idea and that took me like a week to finish. When I finally started working on it I had to get clips of me to put in the video and I had to voice over it. When I was making it wasn't coming out how I envisioned and I was not able to finish by the deadline.
Shayal P
9/15/2023 10:36:26 am
My video was based off of my mom and sister and the way I was raised as an Indian female; American born Indo-Fijian girl to be specific. My video was about how I look up to my mother and my big sister for raising me and preparing me for what it would be like and how to deal with things, and I'm really glad I choose that for my video to talk about bc I will always take the opportunity to talk about that and my experience growing up the way I did especially considering where I live is very diverse however I wish I was able to go into more detail and be more specific about things I've been through, and I also wish hit was easier for me to talk about things. I wish I included more images of my family and more images of my mom before she came to America while she was living in Fiji still. I also wish I was able to get more input from my sister and that I edited the video more to have cleaner transitions from image to image. I liked the song I picked but at the same time I wish I had chosen something else or had edited it for the image to fit better in the images while switching to new image and each image transiting out in some type of way rather then each image just turning into the next one.
Samuel V
9/15/2023 10:37:16 am
It took me between 10-12 hours to do this project, putting in way too much effort than I realistically needed. I had decided to go for a meme editing type style, since I've seen it plenty of time before this online, and I wanted to go for a more funny vibe for my video, rather than somber. I had written a script in class and I followed it somewhat, not exactly as written, but just as whatever sounded better in the moment. I had used my phone to record and once I uploaded it, I realized just how dumb I looked half the time. Things that would be ok to do in a conversation, but not in a video. This is another reason I had decided to a meme styled video. I could pretty easily hide my face when I looked stupid and just block it out, only showing my face when I'm looking alright. Since I did my video as I did, I had to download every image I needed by hand, remove the background, download the new image once again, drag it over into capcut, put it in, have to find the moment I started to saw the word and end it the millisecond I stopped. I did that with 265 images, after removing the background. I'm somewhat proud of what I did, but there's still tons of holes in the video, it being choppy and not really having a flow, along with the fact that i just spoke too fast to the point where the images were just flashing on screen for like a third of a second, and probably overthinking the images I chose, just spending too much time trying to "perfect it" even though I knew I couldn't. Overall I liked making this video, even if it is my own fault for not starting earlier, and ending up on a time crunch.
Tyrone O
9/15/2023 11:23:03 am
During this project at first I was stuck and confused and didn't want to do it but then I realized its just my life. I talked about what I love to do which is basketball. I talked about my journey when I was little and what I wanted to be when I grew up. I almost didn't finish in time but I worked on it at home. I had a good time making it, it was fun making the video and talking about my basketball journey and putting my basketball clips together.
9/15/2023 11:43:47 am
For me i really enjoyed makeing this edit but some thigns were kinda annoying like i was haveing problems with wevideo other than that it was overall a good experiance
Arseniy S
9/20/2023 09:22:18 am
The origin story was an exiting project that I enjoyed very much. I've never done a project like that and it was interesting to try.
giovanni s
10/11/2023 02:40:16 pm
During the project i had fun while making and finding what mine would be about.
Spencer w.
2/14/2024 11:16:10 am
it was some of my best work in editing so far
Evane S
2/14/2024 11:16:24 am
The project was fun and challenging in interesting ways. Shooting new footage is especially fun. next time I will upload it one by one instead of waiting three whole freaking days, which definitely slowed down my process a bit.
Robin Butler
2/14/2024 11:16:36 am
I had a hard time figuring out what to do but once I got more and more ideas for the video it was easier for me to do something for the project.
2/14/2024 11:16:52 am
It took me a long time to do the project and I struggled with finding the images and putting the voiceover on the video but once i figured it out it took me like 20 minutes to finish everything.
2/14/2024 11:17:09 am
Even though I didn't do this project I'm looking forward to doing the next project and shooting a little movie or film.
2/14/2024 11:17:31 am
The filming was super fun i really enjoyed it but i kept changing the concept of my video all the time making it harder for me to be able to finish it i hope i can approve on not doing this in the future but doing the overall project was very fun.
Selena S.
2/14/2024 11:18:52 am
The project was a little difficult at times but overall it was a fun project. I really struggled with figuring out what I wanted to do for the project but once I figured it out it wasn't that bad. If we do a project like this again I would try to focus more and make this my priority.
2/14/2024 11:19:02 am
It took me a short time to do this project because I knew what I wanted to do and what to use I just needed to find the clips and what not to put the project together. I think the most difficult part was actually putting what, where and actually doing it.
Spencer W.
2/14/2024 11:19:10 am
The hardest part of this project for me was finding the time between school, homework, and work work to record, edit, test, and download certain parts for this project
Elijah D
2/14/2024 11:19:15 am
I have a hard time doing my work at home, so working on the project in class was pretty nice. However, I hate talking about myself and I keep doing things and then deleting them because I don't like how they come out. I'm nearing the end of my project and I've done my voice-over again and again so many times while tweaking it, which is kind of fun and tedious at the same time.
2/14/2024 11:19:38 am
I had struggles with the time needed for the different subjects I was talking about. But besides that I had a lot of fun making it and I liked my end result. I would of liked to record my self driving but I ended up not having time after school.
Bethany de Young
2/14/2024 11:20:03 am
Coming up with the idea was simple enough and the audio production went smoothly. The main issue was the media I wanted to apply to the project. In the middle of creating a small animation for a snippet of the video, I discovered a better program for animation. This caused me to alter my previous media choice and animate the entire video, so I still haven't finished my video. I still have one last scene to animate and then I can have the satisfaction and relief of the finished product by this evening.
cordale w
2/14/2024 11:20:09 am
during the project I thought about different ideas but, there was one I picked and I sticked with it. So i feel like the hardest part is choosing an idea and actually going through with it. Overall though I didn't have many challenges just what i said before though.
2/14/2024 11:20:22 am
My project was stressful because I had no idea what to do until last minute. When I finally had an idea, I brainstormed with notes on paper. That allowed me to more clearly envision my video. After gathering content and writing a script, I had fun editing, it's a satisfying process.
2/14/2024 11:20:30 am
I didn't make it yet
Edris A
2/14/2024 11:20:37 am
I really enjoyed making my origin story video. I thought that it was very fun making videos about my life. But, I believe the pre production part was the easiest. It took me about 4-5 hours to make my final product and I really like the way it turned out. Some struggles I had was gathering footage because I would always forget about it. But some things I learned was how to put different clips together and make a real nice video.
2/14/2024 11:21:12 am
I am almost finished with it but overall it was a pretty fun project to work on because we were thinking deep into a topic. Something that I found hard was trying to do the script because I didn't really know what to say. Something I can do better for next time is probably double look and check everything just to make sure that everything is good. I learned to edit a lot more and better with this project.
Tanjyoth Dhaliwal
2/14/2024 11:21:19 am
I struggled with this project for a while at first, but afterwards everything started coming together for me and I got a better idea of how I wanted to put it together. I ended up doing well and turned it in before the deadline was met, however I still feel like my main point was not covered the best way and I could have tried to put more effort into creating and editing it, the editing part felt rough but I still had fun brainstorming it and putting those ideas together.
Dorrell Bolton
2/14/2024 11:21:32 am
I just started my origin story but I know the process of what I want to do. Some of the things I will keep and put in other videos is music and voice overs because they make the video more interesting and easier for people to each for most. Things that I will probably wont do in all of them is photos and videos of myself because I wont know if they will be need in all of them.
Alexandria Saunders
2/14/2024 11:22:04 am
The project was pretty fun process to do it had its ups and downs like trying to find music, forgetting how to add transitions, trying to get art posted kind of failed but succeed too. When I was doing the pre production I was thinking hard about what I was going to choose but then figured it out and it turned out really good in the end then came my origin story and its almost done and i think its good and I wanna try and use more transitions in the future.
2/14/2024 11:23:08 am
I like creating the video although, I did not like pre-production. I am not very good at coming up with ideas that I have to put on a google doc, I mainly go along with the flow of the video. Like I have an idea of what I want to do but getting detailed in explaining what I want to do before making any of it is difficult for me. (if that makes sense). The editing part was very fun though. I would enjoy editing another project.
Marlanie Ragan
2/14/2024 11:24:26 am
This project was good, I had to put a lot of thought into it and I had to really think about what I liked. Some struggles I had were what to write about, it was mostly just the thought process that had to go in it since my creative thinking was shot and I had writers/art block. Some aha's I had were when I knew I could write about music, which is my favorite topic. The big take-away I got from this project is that I can do art in any form, if I put all my effort into it. One of my goals for moving forward is to think big and not procrastinate.
Yair S Perez
2/14/2024 11:24:50 am
I didn't really struggle because I've used We Video multiple time in my school career. The minor struggles that I did encounter was finding videos that fit the topic that I am talking about, so I had to search those videos up; then paste them onto We Video. I haven't finished with the video yet, but should be done by the end of today
Joanna Nava
2/14/2024 11:31:32 am
I did not do this project but I am excited about shooting some videos and taking some cool pictures
3/6/2024 09:37:22 am
i didnt struggle with the project i really had alot to do tho and i didnt need any help with it , i was kinda just used to working with cameras aswell
Daniel Zdanevich
2/13/2025 10:35:00 am
I had a great time making it, I couldn't get any real footage for my project because I had an injury on my leg but everything else was great.
2/13/2025 02:52:00 pm
I really liked doing my story but struggled when it came to being creative.
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