"I commit to actively make positive choices to:
"I , Mr. Hanks, hold myself accountable to all the requests I ask you, my students. I honor my commitment to your education and artistic ambitions through caring mentoring and firm guidance. Life's opportunities are here, now, at our fingertips. Grasping every moment we are offered together will take us beyond what any of our individual talents could amount to on their own. |
CLASS RULESPositive and open communication is required by all at all times. While at school profanity-free, bully-free, and rumor-free conversation is expected. Teacher approval is required for all out of classroom privileges. Restroom and fountain use is limited to passing periods. Respectful interactions is required. Food and beverages are not permitted in the lab, studio, theatre, or while using equipment out-of-class.
COMPUTER LAB RULESRCHS rules specify no food or drink in any of the computer labs on campus. Additionally, it is important that computers and their hardware are expensive and must be tended to in a respectful manner. The computers do not belong to you, nor are you the only one to use them, so you must respect the rules so all students may benefit form the use of technology in the classroom.
FILM STUDIO RULESThe Film Studio is filled with equipment that in no way corresponds to food and drink, including gum and candy. As there are many parts and pieces, it is essential that the organization be maintained for safety and efficiency. Any furniture or equipment that is moved during filming must be replaced when you are done. Additionally, the studio curtains are to remain in place, only being moved with express permission. Action!
STUDIO THEATRE RULESThe theatre is a special place and has special rules. It is a public space, first and foremost, and must be treated with respect for the sake of all users. This means that feet are not placed on chairs, that food and drinks, including candy and gum are not consumed in the space, and that voices are respectable within the context of the activity. and. Theatre requires a lot of materials and equipment, so organization and maintenance of the space are key to efficiency and safety. All items or materials that get used get replaced to where they belong when no longer needed.
- Before Class - Students are to enter quietly, prior to the bell, and take assigned seat. Log-on to your computer. Get out necessary supplies and Creative Journal. Read the agenda on the board. Put away phones and food/drinks/candy.
- Beginning of Class - Quietly begin first task on agenda while role is taken. Await further instruction by continuing to develop ideas in the Creative Journal.
- During Class - Attend to expectations regarding the Modes of Productivity as specified by the agenda and Mr. Hanks' instructions.
- End of Class - Save digital work. Log-off computer. Reset computer station and sit quietly for the bell.
- Creative Journals - Students will use their Creative Journals every day. Art supplies brought by students is optional. Classroom art supplies are to stay in the classroom.
- Phones - Personal phone use, i.e., calling, texting, use of social media, is not allowed during class time. Access to phone content for classwork is allowed with permission only. Students may not charge their phones using the lab surge protectors. School policy regarding phone use in class will be followed.
- Headphones - Students are asked to provide their own headphones for use in film editing and the option to listen to mp3s during creative mode when allowed. The safekeeping of the headphones is the sole responsibility of the student.
- Food & Drink (G753) - Food and drinks, including candy is not allowed in the RCHS computer labs. All consumables are to be in student bags, or left on the designated table at the front of the room. Access to the "food table" or snacking from bags, is prohibited during class. Food consumed in class will be confiscated and disciplinary steps will be taken.
- Food, Drink, & Gum (G751 & B201) - Food and drinks, including candy and gum is not allowed in the Film Studio and Black Box at all. All consumables are to be in student bags, or left outside the classroom. Access to food outside the classroom or snacking from bags, is prohibited during class. Food consumed in the Film Studio or Black Box will be confiscated and disciplinary steps will be taken.
- Restroom & Water Fountain Use - Student must ask permission to use the restroom. Requests and permission is limited to Creative Mode only, up to five times a semester. One student permitted to be out of class at a time.
- Hall Pass - Student must ask permission to be granted a hall pass. Requests and permission is limited to Creative Mode only.
- Film Pass - Student must ask permission to be granted a Film Pass. Requests and permission is limited to Creative Mode only.
- Printing - Students may not print personal items. School related work may be printed by sharing the work via Google Drive and requesting for it to be printed. Printing schoolwork beyond the scope of this class' work is limited to Creative Mode only or during passing periods.
- Late/Missing/Upgrade Work - See grading page